Your Gift to YOU in 2022: A CAREER YOU LOVE

Are you in a field you love - doing what you want to do? 
Are you longing for less stress, more fulfillment, and more growth in their career path?

Whether you work for someone else, have your own business, or parent full-time with a side hustle for extra cash, being in your right livelihood is critical to your happiness. 
Getting your career on solid footing will not only lower your stress, but it may open your mind for growth - and help you find your ultimate life purpose.

You may have seen my previous posts about Oola: the Lifestyle Framework developed by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, human-potential experts and international bestselling authors.

Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing in all of the 7 key areas: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends and Fun.

And when it comes to your career—the occupation or calling that takes up 6-10 hours of your day—asking the tough questions often leads people to create new goals (including a major breakthrough goal that would up-level their work life and bring new-found energy to everything they do).

For instance, have you ever asked yourself:
  • Is my job environment toxic and causing major stress in my life?
  • Does my job meet (or exceed) my financial needs?
  • Am I fulfilling my unique life's purpose?
  • Does my work allow me to continually grow personally and professionally towards my God-given potential?
You may know that, about 2 years ago, I joined forces with Dave and Troy as an Oola Certified Life Coach. 

But, perhaps you didn’t know that career upgrades and business-building are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

I’m here to help you focus on getting what you really want in the area of “Field” (career) by finding balance and pursuing new opportunities strategically and with confidence. 
You can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by the Oola guys and me. 
Oola. It’s a system. Not a secret. 
Schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today and let’s see if the Oola Lifestyle System is right for you. 
And, if you’d like, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that phone call:
This holiday season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022
There are various programs/platforms/price points for you to tap in to the Oola Lifestyle Framework, coaching, and community.  
Contact me today to talk about which one is best for you.
 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!

2022: What Would Transform Your Career?

Are you happy, growing and balanced in your career? 

Do you need to make a change in 2022

This past year has been a wake-up call for many people—and not always in a bad way.
Maybe this year you started a side hustle you love, discovered you love working from home, or began looking at different careers than the one you’re in now.

Whatever your wake-up call was this past year, why not commit to making 2022 better than ever? 


By creating a breakthrough goal for your career.

I’ve mentioned the Oola guys before. Their books and coaching programs, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teach a simple formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing in all of the key areas – Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun.

And, when it comes to your career (Field) (the occupation or calling that takes up 8-10 hours of your day) asking the tough questions often leads people to create new goals - including a major breakthrough goal that would not only uplevel their work life but also bring new-found energy to their life as a whole.

For instance, have you ever asked yourself:

• Does my job meet (or exceed) my financial needs?
• Am I fulfilling my unique life purpose?
• Is my job interfering with my personal time or family life?
• Am I continually growing personally and professionally towards my God-given potential?

If you don't like the answers you come up with, and you want to make major improvements in 2022, I'm here to help.
Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want and on pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 

In fact, you can make massive progress in as little as 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Programs—delivered jointly by the Oola guys and me. And, you can make great strides with the other coaching and/or independent Oola programs that are available.

Schedule your 
complimentary strategy session with me to talk about the Oola Lifestyle Framework and the various options that are available to support you through it.
The Oola formula is designed to transform your career life, your health, your relationships and more. 
Let’s jump on that call together to discuss how coaching can work for you.
In the meantime, you can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
 You can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
 It would be my privilege to equip, empower and support you in getting there.

Why wait?
 Contact me today!
                                                             2022 will be here before you know it.


ABUNDANT CAREER. Passionate work. New friendships.

Are you happy, growing, and balanced in your career? 

Is it providing abundant opportunity to do what you’re most passionate about? 

Is it rewarding you financially so the other parts of your life can be abundant, too?

I’ve mentioned The OolaGuys before. Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple formula for creating a life that’s abundant, balanced, and growing.

This month, I’ve been sharing what it’s like to live abundantly in all 7 major areas of your life: Fitness, Finances, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends and Fun.

For instance, would improving your career let you:

• Enjoy friendships with other like-minded people?
• Earn enough money to get out of debt, buy a house, invest for the future, or reach other financial goals? 
• Improve your marriage and/or family life?
• Create opportunity for advancement or recognition?
• Have less work stress and enjoy life more?

Living abundantly isn’t about earning a big salary at a stressful job you hate. 

It’s creating a meaningful life . . . 

pursuing work you’re passionate about . . . 

doing good in the world . . . 

and bringing along family and friends on the journey with you.

What improvement in YOUR career would be a first step toward living abundantly? 

Schedule your complimentary strategy call today and we can jump on a 30-45 minute call to talk about it.
We can also discuss what Oola Coaching is like and how it can work for your career and other life categories.
Check out these resources for more about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
 The 10-week Oola Coaching Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to live with less stress, more balance, and greater purpose. 

Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want in your career and pursuing new opportunities with confidence.
In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 
 Let’s connect today.
I'm here to help the future be an abundant one for you.


Find Balance In An Unbalanced World. Are You Balanced, Happy And Growing In Your Career?

If  the last year taught us anything, it’s that we need stability, calm and balance in our careers.
Am I right?

Whether it’s working at a local company . . . raising amazing kids as a full-time parent . . . or running your own show with a business of your own, are you in a field you love, doing what you want to do? 
Or do you need to make a change (including a change that the recent economic crisis has forced on you)?

Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing fulfilling work that inspires you: you’re good at it, you’re needed in the world, and you love (almost) everything about the 6-10 hours a day you spend doing it.

If you’re not there yet in your work life, I’d like to talk to you about ways to grow in your career, have more fun, show up in a bigger way, and finally make the kind of income you dream of.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I’ve teamed up with human-potential experts and bestselling authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to bring you the 10-week Oola Coaching Program designed to help you achieve success in all 7 major areas: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun; and ultimately, balance, growth & purpose in your life.

Career upgrades and business-building are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

And, by the way…
If this latest crisis has eliminated your job altogether, it may just be the excuse you need to pursue the work-life of your dreams. 

So why not schedule your complimentary discovery call with me to talk more about how coaching works to improve careers, businesses, full-time parenting—even pursuing volunteer work or philanthropy. 
For more information about Oola, you can:
Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. 
Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

2021: Your Breakthrough Goal. Everyone Deserves The Right Livelihood

Are you in your right livelihood? Are you in a career you love, doing what you want to do? 
(I know I am!)
Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires and delights you: you’re good at it, you’re serving others, and you love everything about the time you spend doing it.

Whether it’s working at a local company . . . raising amazing kids as a full-time mom . . . or running your own show with a business you started, what single breakthrough goal – when achieved – would help you grow in your career, have more fun, show up in a bigger way, or finally make the kind of income you dream of? 

That kind of goal is worth planning carefully and focusing on every day until it’s achieved.

Career upgrades and business-building are two of the best goals to work on with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

And, by the way… If this latest crisis has eliminated your job altogether, it may be the excuse you need to pursue the work-life of your dreams. 

So why not comment below and tell me about YOUR dream career. 
What career is in your heart that would make you excited to jump out of bed in the morning?
What’s a breakthrough goal that would get you there?

Then contact me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how coaching works to improve careers, businesses, full-time parenting – even pursuing volunteer or church work. 
We’ll get all of your questions answered so that you can decide if working through the Oola formula, with my support, is your next best step.
Here are some places to go for more information about living the Oola lifestyle:
You were designed for greatness and a purpose. 
Contact me now. Together, let’s help you achieve it in 2021. 

I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

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