Whole-Life Wellness Coaching Programs
Do you ever consider – or even ask yourself – 
“Will this choice move me in the direction I want to go?” 
All of my coaching programs are designed to equip, empower and support
 women over 50 to create new healthy habits that align with how they want to 
look and feel and what they want to accomplish each and every day.
ONE Goal, ONE Choice, ONE Action Step at a time.

3 Week Oola UNSTUCK Program 
A “mini version of the full 10 – week Oola Coaching Program. Developed by the authors of the best-selling book series:  “OOLA – Find Balance in an Unbalanced World". Together, we will create the foundation of a balanced and growing life. We’ll set goals that are milestones to your dreams. And we’ll create everyday actions steps that will get you to your “OolaLife”!

Schedule a complimentary 45-minute strategy session with me today 
to determine if this Oola program is your next best step!


10  Week Oola TRANSFORM Coaching Program

In addition to what is covered in the 3 – week mini program, you will receive guidance and support through the entire “Oola” process and, together, we will focus on developing strategies, habits and systems that lead to less stress, more balance and greater purpose. We’ll take a deep dive within all of the “7 “F’s” of Oola – Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (your career), Faith, Friends and Fun. We’ll get real about where you are in each area, where you WANT to be and what it will take to get you there. I will support you to learn to dream (big!) again, create new goals,  and establish new habits that have you taking bold action and crushing those goals. This entire system can be revisited annually, or as needed, to keep you on track in your life for the rest of your life!
Schedule a complimentary 45-minute strategy session with me today
to determine if this Oola program is your next best step!

12 Week Empowered Lifestyle Program 

This program  supports women over 50 to FINALLY ditch the diet mentality and, instead, develop new habits/choices that will support hormones, increase energy & vitality, decrease stress, sleep and digestive issues with 
the side effect of weight loss!

I invite you to meet with me for a complimentary 60-minute strategy session 
to determine if the Healthy Lifestyle Program is your next best step!