Meet Brenda

Thank you for visiting my website and for the opportunity to introduce myself and share a bit of my journey...
From about the age of 12, I remember always having digestive and weight issues. I was first diagnosed with spastic colon (aka IBS) at that age and I remember writhing in pain in my abdominal area. These episodes continued in various capacities and intensities for decades. I remember having to excuse myself from various gatherings to go suffer in silence in the nearest restroom. One episode landed me in the hospital for 2 days! 
Coincidentally (or not) I also remember my first diet being around the age of 12 as well.
I counted every. single. calorie. I allowed myself no more than 1000 cal. per. day. Ugh!!
As I look back, knowing what I know now, I realize that my weight issues AND digestive issues all stemmed from a very stressful home life.
I had a father who was emotionally unavailable and a mother who was emotionally over the top. A home life where “perfection” was the expectation; however, there was little to no emotional support and “love” was definitely not "unconditional"; but rather based on being/acting/producing “good”. 
I felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells much of the time. 
No stress there, right?!?
This also led into a life of searching….
searching for validation, for what would fill the void and help me feel healthy and whole.
I made choices that perhaps felt right in the moment; but typically led me down wrong paths in relationships (2 marriages, 2 divorces), finances (bankruptcy), and life in general. 
(Don't worry...nothing illegal.) 😊
If I’m being honest, that pattern continued well into my adult years – like the age of 50.
Ironically, I became a certified personal trainer at the age of about 40. I had always enjoyed group exercise classes and working out and I was drawn to anything and everything around the human body, health, fitness and exercise. 
It felt like I was called to be a Personal Trainer.
So, there I was….happily working in the health and fitness field; my weight/stress level/digestive issues pretty much under control. 
Then I made one of the worst decisions that I had ever made and entered into a relationship where my partner (fiancé’) went from being Prince Charming to extremely verbally and emotionally abusive. I was encouraged by our Counselor to leave our home/relationship as he (the Counselor) felt like my fiancé’s anger issues were escalating and he was afraid for my safety. 
Leaving him made him angrier yet and, well, let’s just say that restraining orders were involved. 
The thing was, I saw the signs and ignored them. 
Yet, ANOTHER really bad choice. Perhaps you can relate?
Suffice it to say that my stress levels at that point were off the chart and my emotional health was suffering to the point that anxiety attacks had become more and more frequent. 
Along with that came putting on weight (again!), struggling with sleep and extreme digestive issues; not to mention a feeling of being achy or inflamed ALLLL the time. I turned to OTC drugs for the inflammation and digestive issues. 
It was NOT a good time in my life.
I did finally get to the other side of that 
but still struggled with sleep and stress issues stemming from the experience. 
This was happening at a time when my hormones were already…welllll…transitioning…if you catch my drift.
I did attempt to take prescriptions that addressed sleep and anxiety, but did not enjoy the side effects of these medications and the Health Professional in me knew that there HAD to be a better way!



a fitness colleague of mine introduced me to a whole different modality - essential oils.
The very first night, I remember having the best sleep that I had had in a very long time  - with no side effects - and that sent me down the path of researching additional natural, holistic health solutions.
It was then that I realized how much more there is to good health than simply exercising on a regular basis. 
You see…
Stress comes in many different forms – physical, mental, emotional and chemical. 
What we put in our body & mind (good and bad)...
What, or who, we are exposed to (good or bad) ...
ALWAYS has a result – a consequence - 
you guessed it -
good or bad! 
This is where the choices = consequences really got driven home. 
So I studied hard and became certified as a Health Coach and then as a Life Coach.
I learned that every single choice that we make in our lives has a consequence; whether it’s concerning your health, your financial situation, your relationships, or your feeling of fulfillment. 
And I’m the only one responsible for the consequences of my choices. 

I also learned that I need to be my own health advocate because the government and big corporations are certainly not looking out for me (or you).
I am now thrilled to say that I have my weight under control. I’m not on any prescription or OTC medications. People think I’m 10 years younger than I am because of my energy level and vibrant appearance. I’m working a plan to get out of debt. My relationships are being strengthened every day. And, I am finding such fulfillment in my work as a whole-life wellness coach, healthy lifestyle educator and hope bringer! 

Ok…Still “single” – but my past experiences have taught me to be strong and independent. That said, it’s totally OK if “Mr. Right” comes along…😉 
As a Certified Health & Fitness Coach and, more recently, an Oola Certified Life Coach, I passionately support divorced women over 50 with the knowledge and resources I’ve worked so hard to acquire for myself.  
I want to inspire and encourage women in turning their life around in ALL areas by simply making different, intentional, empowered choices.
I teach them that where they are is just where they are – NOT who they are.
By taking her through a proven framework - the "Oola" process – I support my client in finding clarity in the area(s) she needs to prioritize and then help her develop a path and a plan to succeed. 
My client becomes equipped and empowered to go from stressed, tired, overwhelmed and uncertain about her future to intentionally recreating her life, reigniting her hopes & dreams, regaining her confidence and turning her current situation into a plan for transformation so she can enjoy a healthier, more balanced life of less stress, more vitality and greater purpose – one choice at a time.
I work one-on-one with clients in home, by phone, and/or virtually and I have a toolbox of services, products, and programs to offer.
I lead workshops and social media groups to educate women about the damage that stress (stemming from less than fabulous choices) has on their health and their “whole-life”. 
I teach them how different stressors impact our hormones and therefore our weight, our energy, and every other aspect of our life.
I love reminding them that they are designed by God for greatness and a purpose. 
EMPOWERED Health and Hope 
ONE goal, ONE decision, ONE action step, 
ONE choice at a time 
is all it takes. 
Want to learn more? 
Make that your first choice here. 
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