What is a Whole-Life Wellness Coach?

My passion as a Whole-Life Wellness Coach is to equip, empower and support women over 50 to create new healthy habits that align with how they want to look and feel and what they want to accomplish each and every day. I guide them through a powerful process that empowers them to create a life of Less Stress. More Balance. Greater Purpose.
I work one-on-one with my clients and lead workshops and/or social media groups to educate women about the damage that stress (stemming from less than fabulous choices) has on their health and their life. I teach them how different stressors (physical, emotional and chemical) impact our hormones and therefore our weight, our energy, and every other aspect of our life. 
I offer various products and programs to support my client's life, health & fitness goals.
And….I love reminding them they are designed by God for greatness and a purpose!

Brenda's Empowered Health & Hope Blog
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Your Gift To YOU in 2022: 

Your Gift To YOU in 2022: 

Your Gift To YOU in 2022: 

Is Whole-Life Wellness Coaching For You? 
Are you a woman over 50 who is is embarking on a new phase of life? 
Are you feeling overwhelmed, out of balance and stressed out? 
Are you dealing with hormonal issues, energy and weight issues and feeling out of touch with your passions and purpose as your children are leaving the nest? 
Are you finding that you're not where you want to be in the key areas of your life like finances, health & wellness, or your relationships? 
If you answered YES! to any of these questions, then whole-life wellness coaching may just be for you!

After the age of 50, we tend to be more confident in who we are and less dependent on what others think of us; but with that comes the realization that perhaps we haven't accomplished some very important things in our life and, let's be honest, there's not as much time to get it done, Right?!?

Let's get clarity!
Let's get strategic! 
Let's get accountable!

Ready to explore working together?!?  
Click here for a complimentary Whole-Life Wellness Strategy Session:

I Help Transform Lives

Get my free guide: 
3 Steps to Less Stress, More Balance & Greater Purpose