At this time of year, it always seems we’re reminded of the importance of faith. Doesn't it?

As the world stumbled through one crisis after another in 2021, did you sense that your faith walk could use some attention? 

Did you take action on those thoughts? 

For instance, did you:

• Start a daily study or meditation practice?
• Join an online small group?
• Get connected to a church or faith community for the first time in years?

“Faith” is one of The 7 “F’s” of Oola—those major life areas that all our problems, happiness, improvement and challenges seem to fall into.
The list of 7 “F’s” was devised by the "OolaGuys"—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, bestselling authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World—and are part of several popular coaching programs that we conduct together. 

While the Oola guys don’t tell you what to believe or which religion to follow (and neither do I), we DO know that having a strong faith – a connection to something greater than yourself - is a critical part of a balanced and happy life. 

You can give yourself the gift of stronger faith as we head into next year by simply being intentional about it and then following through with the appropriate action steps.

And what are the other F’s of Oola?
Fitness, Finances, Family, Field, Friends, and Fun—all part of Oola’s unique approach to living the life you want.

So, if you need less stress, more happiness, and greater growth in your life as we roll into 2022, I can help you get ready to crush it in every area. 

As an Oola Certified Life Coach, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring you the 10-week Oola Transformation Coaching Program, as well as other coaching programs or independent platforms. 

Whether you want a more fulfilling career, a rock-solid marriage, better finances, vibrant good health . . . or something else, I’d like to invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today. Let’s chat about how coaching works and what it can do for you.
And, if you’d like, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that phone call:
 Oola. It’s a system. Not a secret. 
This holiday season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022
You can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the flagship Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by the Oola guys and me.
However, there are also other programs/platforms/price points for you to tap in to the Oola Lifestyle system, coaching, and community as well.  
Contact me today so we can talk about which one is best for you.
 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!


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