Are you in a field you love - doing what you want to do? 
Are you longing for less stress, more fulfillment, and more growth in their career path?

Whether you work for someone else, have your own business, or parent full-time with a side hustle for extra cash, being in your right livelihood is critical to your happiness. 
Getting your career on solid footing will not only lower your stress, but it may open your mind for growth - and help you find your ultimate life purpose.

You may have seen my previous posts about Oola: the Lifestyle Framework developed by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, human-potential experts and international bestselling authors.

Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing in all of the 7 key areas: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends and Fun.

And when it comes to your career—the occupation or calling that takes up 6-10 hours of your day—asking the tough questions often leads people to create new goals (including a major breakthrough goal that would up-level their work life and bring new-found energy to everything they do).

For instance, have you ever asked yourself:
  • Is my job environment toxic and causing major stress in my life?
  • Does my job meet (or exceed) my financial needs?
  • Am I fulfilling my unique life's purpose?
  • Does my work allow me to continually grow personally and professionally towards my God-given potential?
You may know that, about 2 years ago, I joined forces with Dave and Troy as an Oola Certified Life Coach. 

But, perhaps you didn’t know that career upgrades and business-building are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

I’m here to help you focus on getting what you really want in the area of “Field” (career) by finding balance and pursuing new opportunities strategically and with confidence. 
You can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by the Oola guys and me. 
Oola. It’s a system. Not a secret. 
Schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today and let’s see if the Oola Lifestyle System is right for you. 
And, if you’d like, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that phone call:
This holiday season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022
There are various programs/platforms/price points for you to tap in to the Oola Lifestyle Framework, coaching, and community.  
Contact me today to talk about which one is best for you.
 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!


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