Your Gift to YOU in 2022: MORE FUN AND ADVENTURE

Sooo....when was the last time you had some fun? 

While the past year has been un-fun for lots of people, you can make 2022 a better year by adding everyday fun, hobbies, unique interests—and even “bucket list” adventures you’ve dreamed of your entire life.

Fun is essential to a happy, balanced life.

In fact, “Fun” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—the proven lifestyle formula created by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. 
The guys and I have teamed up to bring my followers the 10-week Oola Coaching Program (and other program options as well) to help you make goals, stay focused and achieve the happy, balanced and growing life you deeply desire.

Right now, you have a unique opportunity to set up 2022 to be a better year than the one we’ve just been through 
(hope that’s not setting the bar too low) 😉
AND give yourself the gift of free time, fun time, and memories that last.

If the stress, craziness, and overwhelm of the past many months has caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your finances, your health, your relationships and your future, we should jump on a call to discuss exactly what you want your life to look like in 2022
Schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today and let’s see if the Oola Lifestyle System is right for you. 
And, if you’d like, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that phone call:
 Oola. It’s a system. Not a secret. 
Supporting you through Oola’s Lifestyle System and helping you stay focused and accountable to your most important life goals—including adding more fun—is what I am here to help you with. Together, we can make sure you find new energy, practice new disciplines, and add new habits and behaviors that will propel you toward your goals. 
This holiday season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022
There are various programs/platforms/price points for you to tap in to the Oola Lifestyle Framework, coaching, and community.  Contact me today to talk about which one is best for you.
 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!

2022: What Would Transform Your Free Time?

As things got slowly back to “normal” (sort of) this year, did you also remember to add back some fun in your life? 

Finding everyday fun, doing hobbies, pursuing unique interests (and even scheduling “bucket list” adventures you’ve dreamed of) just makes life more enjoyable.

In fact, “Fun” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola. 
It’s a necessary component in order to create a life that’s happy and balanced. 

So… Why not make a breakthrough goal to have more fun in 2022?
Think about it…
     What would a breakthrough goal look like when it comes to “Fun” in your life?
It doesn’t need to require a lot of money. Here are some ideas :

  • Take a picnic and hike a local trail (being in nature isn't only fun, but it's also healing to the body, mind & spirit) 
  • Visit a historical place for the first time   
  • Text the gals for an impromptu lunch 
  • Visit a venue that you LOVED as a child (and bring out the playful kit in you)
  • Volunteer for a special holiday charity event
With some planning, you could even enjoy bucket-list adventures like:

  • meeting someone famous who inspires you 
  • attending a high-level workshop related to a topic you are passionate about
  • participating in a mission trip
  • treating someone to something amazing
 If you’ve been following my posts over the past month, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to make 2022 better than the year we’ve just been through; and, if that’s holding the bar too low – how about making 2022 your best year EVER?!?!

If recent events have caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your career, your health, your relationships and your future, I’d like to invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session with me to discuss exactly what you want 2022 to look like and compare different program options for getting you there.
It’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too.
Let’s schedule some time to chat soon. 
And, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that call.
Coaching can help you rediscover fun hobbies, unique interests, and even your true passion in life . . . a major stepping stone on the way to living -what we like to call - the "Oola Life". 
Why wait?

Contact me today...
2022 will be here before you know it!   

ABUNDANT FUN. Good times. Great life.

Over the last month, I’ve been sharing ideas for creating an abundant life.

And… if you’ve guessed that “living abundantly” includes extra time for fun...

Well...You are absolutely right!

Too many of us work our way through life without taking time out for daily breaks, weekly fun, and once-in-a-lifetime adventures.

If your goal is to live abundantly, adding everyday fun, hobbies, unique interests, weekend getaways, and major vacations will guarantee a memorable and fulfilling life.

Of course, “Fun” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola, and if you’ve been following my posts over the last few weeks, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to make 2022 better than the crazy year we’ve just been through.

Listen, “FUN” is a serious subject. 😉
And it’s crucial to, not only living an abundant life, but also your overall well-being.
In fact, it delivers real physiological benefits by combatting the stress hormone cortisol in your body. 

But wait...

Are you the gal that says: 
“I don’t have time for fun”?
Are you waiting until your kids are older 
or YOU’RE older
or retired?
Ask yourself today: “What brings me extreme joy?”
What would you like to add to your life - or bring back to your life - that brings you joy.
But you haven’t done it (yet)?

Coaching can help you rediscover fun, and even find your true passion in life . . . a major stepping stone to living abundantly. 
What would more fun would look like for you?
Why not schedule your  complimentary strategy session today and we can jump on a 30-45 minute call to talk about it. We can also explore which Oola Program is the best fit for you.
Check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
 Why wait?

Contact me today.
I'm here to help the future be an abundant one for you.

Find Balance In An Unbalanced World. Does Your Life Need Some Adventure?

“Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun.”
I love this quote by the late Carnegie Mellon professor and author of The Last Lecture, Randy Pausch. 

Not only is fun important, it’s the spark that recharges your batteries and refreshes your mind for what’s coming next. Whether it’s daily fun, weekend treks, or vacations and bucket-list adventures you plan for months, fun is an essential part of being human.

Aaannnd... it supports a balanced life.

All month long, I’ve been sharing strategies for creating a balanced life. These strategies are based on the work of human-potential experts Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.

Over 25 years ago, The OolaGuys created a formula for calming the chaos and bringing balance to every major area of life: what they call “The 7 F’s of Oola.” 

Along with Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith and Friends . . . FUN is an area that often gets out of balance—and an area which most people ignore, especially when money is low and stress is high.
The irony, of course, is that fun actually combats the stress hormone cortisol in your body. 

So if you’re someone who says, “Fun is for kids. Adults don’t do that” . . . or if you have the commonly held belief: “I’ll have fun once I retire”, realize that you’re cheating yourself from one of the real joys of life.

“FUN” doesn’t necessarily require a lot of money. It could be something as simple as an impromptu lunch with your galpals.
And with some planning, you could even enjoy bucket-list adventures like meeting someone famous who inspires you. . . attending a high-level workshop related to your favorite hobby. . . renting a cool Airbnb at the beach for a loooong weekend. . . sign up for a class and study a subject you’ve long been passionate about.
As a coach, I not only help people create a plan for achieving their goals in major life categories like fitness, finances, and field (career), but I also make sure their plan doesn’t leave out the all-important “Fun” category.

Could you use less stress, more balance, and more fun in your life? (Couldn’t we all???)

Whether your goals are financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the unique Oola Coaching Program I deliver is designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and success you want. 
You deserve an amazing life! Why not message me and see if the Oola Transform Program is right for you?  
Or, better yet, schedule your complimentary discovery call to talk to me personally  about how coaching works.
In the meantime, here are some places to go for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”. 
Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

Had Better Plans in 2020? Wrap Up The Fun Times

 Let’s face it…by almost every measure, 2020 wasn’t a whole lot of fun.

Aside from the need to plan ahead and be careful, we had to master weird new buzzwords like “social distancing”, “flatten the curve”, and (my least favorite) “new normal”.
Plus, there was an underlying apprehension that simply didn’t go away.

If fun was on your agenda for 2020, but it got derailed, you can still make plans to inject fun into your life in 2021. 

For instance:

• If you’re working at home, create a fun reward for meeting project deadlines like going for a walk in nature or a "Zoom" date with friends.

• Research new kinds of safe weekend getaways like a cool Airbnb rental at the beach

• Sign up for an online class and study a subject you’ve always wanted to learn

• Start that travel fund toward a week (or 3)  in a beautiful, tropical location for when the world opens up safely again.

You know..."Fun" is a necessary part of life!

In fact, it’s one of “The 7 F’s of Oola” that I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, bestselling authors of the Oola book series on finding balance in an unbalanced world.

If recent events have caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your finances, your health, your relationships and your future, we should jump on a call to discuss exactly what you want in 2021.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, it’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too.

Message me and let’s schedule some time to chat soon. Or, schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here
You can read more about the 10-week Oola Coaching Program before we jump on that call. 
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
Are you ready to have fun again in 2021 while reaching for growth in the major areas of your life? 
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

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