Your Gift to YOU in 2022: SOLID FINANCES

Think back to January. Did your finances improve over the last 11+ months? 

For many people, their financial life was overwhelming. And extra stressors like debt, secret spending, and fighting over expenses often affected their relationships; which, in turn, wreaked havoc on their health.

It doesn’t have to be this way. 

In fact, you can give YOURSELF the gift of better finances in 2022 by becoming free from debt, improving your earnings, and investing for the future.

When I first started working with human-potential experts Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to become a Certified Life Coach, I discovered that their Oola formula has over a million followers in 43 countries.
Story after story appeared on their Facebook page of people who had hit major financial goals. Some paid off over $100,000 in debt, got better-paying jobs, or moved into their dream house.

Here’s what else you could make happen in 2022 with the Oola formula:

• Create a budget that lets you pay the bills, save for the future, and still have fun (yes, it’s possible)

• Accumulate seven months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund that’s ready when disaster strikes

• Student loans, mortgages, credit card balances – all debt paid off (for real)

• Develop a solid estate plan with your will, trust or other documents completely handled and tucked away

• Build a healthy retirement fund with prudent investments that let you jump ship sooner than you think

• Set money aside for fun . . . and for life’s coolest adventures

Whatever steps would change YOUR finances for the better in 2022, seriously consider working with me privately to set financial goals and take action on your most important objectives. 

Helping people find balance and achieve changes in major life areas – like Finances - is something I do through a variety of Oola program options. 
Oola. It’s not a secret. It’s a system. 

Schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today and let’s see if the Oola Lifestyle Framework is right for you. 
 And, if you’d like, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that phone call:
 This holiday season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022
There are various programs/platforms/price points for you to tap in to the Oola Lifestyle Framework, coaching, and community.
 Contact me today to talk about which one is best for you.

 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!

Your Gift to YOU in 2022: BALANCE AND WELL-BEING

How was your health and well-being in 2021

If you were like the millions of people who were anxious about the pandemic, wondering what the future looked like, and focused on simply getting through your day, it’s likely that your fitness, nutrition, mental well-being, and self-care took a backseat to other priorities.

However, 2022 is a new opportunity to focus on self-care, eat better, get adequate sleep, exercise often, and handle any longstanding conditions that cause pain, embarrassment or anxiety. 

This gift-giving season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of good health in 2022?

Simply starting the journey toward being fit and healthy will boost your energy, immunity and brain function.
And a breakthrough fitness goal next year could change your entire future.

As a coach, I not only help people create a plan for achieving their goals in major life categories like fitness, finances, and field (career), I also make sure they’re accountable to taking daily action.
Daily, consistent actions steps are the only way to get you closer to the life you deserve.

Could you use more progress, less stress, and more balance in your life? 

Whether your goals are better health, financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the unique Oola Coaching Programs that I deliver with bestselling authors and human-potential experts Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl are designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want. 

Schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today and let’s see if it’s right for you. 
And you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that phone call:
This holiday season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022

There are various programs/platforms for you to tap in to the Oola Lifestyle Framework, Coaching, and community.
 Contact me today to talk about which one is best for you.

 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!


2022: Give Yourself The Gift of Balance

It’s gift-giving season….

But have you thought about a gift you could give YOURSELF that would make 2022 a transformational year for you? 

Maybe it’s eliminating the stress of debt, getting healthy again, changing careers, or simply organizing your life to lessen the overwhelm? 

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I’m passionate about equipping, empowering and supporting my clients to go:
FROM stressed, tired, overwhelmed and uncertain about her future
TO intentionally recreating her life, reigniting her hopes & dreams and regaining her confidence so she can enjoy a healthier, more balanced life of less stress, more vitality and greater purpose – one choice at a time.

It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—bestselling authors of Oola—who teach how to create balance in our unbalanced world.

Now, together with the OolaGuys,  I help clients address what’s not working for them in the areas of Fitness, Finance, Field (career), Family, Faith, Friends and Fun. Then we go to work correcting those stressors and bringing about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security needed to be happy, balanced and growing.

2022: What’s Your Gift to YOU?

How will you start prioritizing your own goals and needs next year? 

Do you want to work less, earn more, stay home with the kids, say “no” more often, improve your marriage, go on exciting adventures, practice more self-care, or something else? 

Whatever it is, the Oola Lifestyle Framework gives you the steps to get there. 

The key is to decide where you need to make changes, write out your wish list, and start taking small steps every day toward your breakthrough goal.
It’s a three-step process that’s part of the Oola Coaching Programs that I offer to my clients. 

So, if going FROM stressed, tired, overwhelmed and uncertain about your future TO intentionally recreating your life, reigniting your hopes & dreams and regaining your confidence is something you’d like to pursue as 2021 winds down, schedule your complimentary strategy session with me today.

Let’s jump on a 30-45 minute phone call to explore the different options of working together on your goals and creating the life you desire and deserve.

 And you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that call:
This season, why not give YOURSELF the gift of an “Oola Transformation” for 2022
Contact me today...
 I’m here to help you live your life by design – not by default – in 2022!

2022: What Would Transform Your Free Time?

As things got slowly back to “normal” (sort of) this year, did you also remember to add back some fun in your life? 

Finding everyday fun, doing hobbies, pursuing unique interests (and even scheduling “bucket list” adventures you’ve dreamed of) just makes life more enjoyable.

In fact, “Fun” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola. 
It’s a necessary component in order to create a life that’s happy and balanced. 

So… Why not make a breakthrough goal to have more fun in 2022?
Think about it…
     What would a breakthrough goal look like when it comes to “Fun” in your life?
It doesn’t need to require a lot of money. Here are some ideas :

  • Take a picnic and hike a local trail (being in nature isn't only fun, but it's also healing to the body, mind & spirit) 
  • Visit a historical place for the first time   
  • Text the gals for an impromptu lunch 
  • Visit a venue that you LOVED as a child (and bring out the playful kit in you)
  • Volunteer for a special holiday charity event
With some planning, you could even enjoy bucket-list adventures like:

  • meeting someone famous who inspires you 
  • attending a high-level workshop related to a topic you are passionate about
  • participating in a mission trip
  • treating someone to something amazing
 If you’ve been following my posts over the past month, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to make 2022 better than the year we’ve just been through; and, if that’s holding the bar too low – how about making 2022 your best year EVER?!?!

If recent events have caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your career, your health, your relationships and your future, I’d like to invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session with me to discuss exactly what you want 2022 to look like and compare different program options for getting you there.
It’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too.
Let’s schedule some time to chat soon. 
And, you can check out these resources for more information before we jump on that call.
Coaching can help you rediscover fun hobbies, unique interests, and even your true passion in life . . . a major stepping stone on the way to living -what we like to call - the "Oola Life". 
Why wait?

Contact me today...
2022 will be here before you know it!   

2022: What Would Transform Your Friendships?

So, this is interesting...

Did you know that creating and maintaining social bonds and friendships is a fundamental need of humans?

If this past year and a half has made you value friendships and connection even more than usual, I have a another question: 
What would your life look like if your closest friendships were even more solid and supportive?

And, what if you added some key friendships (mentors) who could guide you in making difficult life or career decisions? 

Friends just make life better.

In fact, “Friendships” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—the proven formula created by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.
The guys and I have teamed up to bring my followers Oola Coaching Programs to help you identify goals, stay focused and achieve the happy, balanced and growing life you want in 

Maybe you need to create a breakthrough goal like:

• Form a mastermind group and meet new mentors
• Break it off with a toxic friend who puts you down or holds you back
• Find new friends in a hobby or lifestyle area that you’re passionate about
• Become a better, more connected friend yourself
Whatever your breakthrough friendship goal is for 2022, you can absolutely achieve it when you are equipped with the Oola Lifestyle Framework and supported by the Oola community.
Curious about this thing called “Oola”?
You can check out these resources for more information:
 If you like what you see – and I know you will 😉 - I’d like to invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session with me.

I’m here to help you stay focused and accountable. Together, we can make sure you practice daily disciplines and form new habits and behaviors that propel you toward your goals. 

Let's have a chat about what's out of balance and causing you stress in your life and, together, determine which of the various Oola program options is best for you to get started with.
It would be my privilege to equip, empower and support you in getting the life you desire and deserve.
Why wait?
Contact me today!

                                                      2022 will be here before you know it.                            


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