Can you believe it? 

2020 is almost over. 
Which makes these final three months of the year your best opportunity to make sure 2021 is more balanced and more abundant.

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I’m passionate about empowering others to get what they want in the 7 key areas of life. It’s something I learned from Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—The OolaGuys—who teach how to create more balance and less stress in our unbalanced world.

Now, as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients address what’s not working for them in, what we call, the 7 F's of Life: Fitness, Finance, Field (career), Family, Faith, Friends and Fun. 
Then we go to work together to correct those stressors and bring about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing.

Just Three Months to Go: What Will Your 2021 Look Like?

With October already here and this whole crazy year almost behind us, people are starting to call 2020 a wash. 
The Lost Year. 
An epic fail. 

But, before you give this year the heave-ho, why not spend the last three months of it deciding what you want your next year to look like? 

Whether it’s make more money, be home with your kids, improve your marriage, have more fun, get more fit & healthy, or something else – the Oola formula gives you the steps to get there. The key is to decide where you need to make changes, write out your wish list, and start taking small steps every day toward 2-3 goals at a time. 

It’s a simple three-step process that’s part of the 10-week Oola coaching experience that I offer to my clients. 

The reality is that you can have anything you want, but you need to start focusing somewhere. 
By the time my posts for this month are complete, you’ll have a wish list of things that will transform how you live—and even who you are as a person.

Have some ideas of what you want already? 
Whatever your wish list includes for next year, feel free to drop a comment below and share. 

The Oola formula can be a big help toward getting you there—so if the 10-week Oola coaching experience is something you might like to pursue as 2020 winds down, message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your goals; or  you can schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.

You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
I am here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


What’s YOUR New Normal? Live YOUR Passion!

You weren't built by accident.

You were built for a unique purpose that not only serves the world, but one that also inspires and motivates you.
Unfortunately, most people find their deepest desires have been stifled by what other people want them to do.
Perhaps you got a business degree because your parents expected it, though you secretly wanted to pursue a career in the arts.
Maybe you agreed with your spouse to start a family right away, even though your real passion was to travel the globe before settling down.
Or…you love being a stay-at-home parent, doing organic gardening, and cooking healthy meals, but that’s not considered an “important” career to others.
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. 
On the way to pleasing others, playing it safe, paying the bills and securing “the future,” most people have sadly lost track of their own true desires.

For you, however, that is about to change.
If you’ve been following my posts over the last month, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to create an amazing future: YOUR “new normal.”
The key is to stay focused on getting it.
And “staying focused” is a major part of what coaching can help you do.
Coaching can help you remove the clutter and obstacles in your life that are holding you back from following your heart.
When we begin to eliminate fear, the weight of debt, laziness, self-sabotage, and toxic people from our lives, our true selves begin to emerge.
We start to get a glimpse of what's inside of us, and our heartfelt passions come to light.
Coaching can help you rediscover YOUR true passion in life . . . a major stepping stone on the way to living the OolaLife.
If the recent pandemic has caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your finances, your health, your relationships and your future, we should jump on a call to discuss what you want YOUR “new normal” to look like.

It’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too‼️💙
Message me and let’s schedule some time to chat soon. 
Or, go here to learn more before we jump on that call.

What’s YOUR New Normal? You Have All The Discipline You Need!


OK, here’s a game-changer: did you know you already have all the discipline you need to reach your goals?

If you think you can’t stay on-task or that you’ll never be able to get ahead, most of the world’s top behavioral experts would disagree with you. 
In fact, every time you brush your teeth in the morning or make it to work on time or renew your driver’s license by the deadline, you’re practicing discipline.👊
Planning for your “new normal” and creating the life of your dreams is no different. 
It also takes discipline.

But what is discipline, really? 
It’s doing what must be done—even if you don’t want to at that moment. 
It’s battling through the daily grind, putting in the extra hours, using sheer force of will. 
But it’s also doing things consistently—like eating the right foods. Practicing new skills. Or saving something every month for retirement.

If you think about it, there are already habits you follow and stuff you consistently spend time on. 
But is it supportive (or counterproductive) to the goals you want to reach? 🤔

For instance, when we check out a friend’s post on Facebook, then find ourselves down a rabbit hole an hour later, that’s 60 minutes we haven’t spent on creating our dream life.
OK...I may be occasionally guilty of that. ‍🤷‍♀️
But what if we spent that same time, energy, and focus on new disciplines that would get us closer to our goals? 
An awesome life doesn't occur overnight. 
But with persistence and stick-to-itiveness you can achieve the balanced OolaLife of your dreams. 🥳
How disciplined are you willing to be?
If you need help staying focused and accountable to your goals, I’m here to help. 

Together, we can make sure you’re disciplined with new habits and behaviors that propel you toward your goals. 

As I’ve mentioned before, I am passionate about equipping, empowering & supporting women to create a healthy, energetic more balanced life with less stress, more happiness and greater purpose – one choice at a time.
The Oola Coaching Program is a proven formula that is designed to support you in making massive progress in just 10 weeks. You can check it out HERE.

I’d be delighted to privately coach you through the process.  Message me for more details. 

But for now, drop a comment below and share something you're already disciplined about. 

See? You have all the discipline you need‼️💙


What's YOUR New Normal? Today, Will You Choose Oranges or Skittles?

What’s your favorite flavor? Mine is lemon yellow.
I’m talking, of course, about that popular colorful candy, Skittles.
If you think about it, our lives are often like that box of candy.
Lots of little tasks every day that add up to, well, nothing.
No meaningful progress on our goals. No celebrating “wins” or achievements.
Just staying stuck in the minutiae of life.
But what if your tasks were a whole lot more focused?
What if you worked on a few BIG goals at a time versus filling your day with errands, calls, and scrolling Facebook?
I’ve mentioned The OolaGuys before. Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple exercise that illustrates the importance of focus.
If you grab a big class vase (which represents your life), and fill it with pound after pound of colorful Skittles, by the end of the year you’d have accomplished a lot of little tasks, but likely be no closer to your dream life.
But if you fill the glass vase first with oranges—representing your biggest life-changing goals—you could still fit in the Skittles in the gaps and airspace around the oranges.
In other words, you CAN fit in the major goals you want to accomplish in life, and still handle the basic day-to-day tasks in the spare time you have left.
Of course, you’d have to stay focused: no mindlessly checking Pinterest, no binge-watching Season 4 of Friends.
But one way to stay focused is to be crystal-clear about your dreams, goals and outcomes. Use that 3x5 card (from my previous post) to be sure that the action steps you need to accomplish your dreams and goals are filled out nightly and referred to daily to keep you on track.
Research what it takes to get what you want.
State your goals clearly in terms of numbers, time, improvement, and deadline.
If you need help staying focused and accountable to your goals, I’m here to help.
Together, we can make sure you’re focused on oranges and not Skittles. In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me.
Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how coaching can work for you.
Or, check out the Oola Coaching Program for details.
Meanwhile...drop a comment below and share…
What are your most important “oranges”, as well as the Skittles you’re willing to give up❓💙

What's YOUR New Normal? A Humble 3x5 Card? Yes!

If you rummage around in your desk drawer or supply cabinet, you’ll likely find one of the most powerful and life-changing tools available today: the humble 3x5 card. 

When I first read the book Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World, its authors—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—recommended their own daily strategy for getting things done and achieving goals that will change your life.

It’s this:
Grab a 3x5 card and divide it in half by drawing a vertical line down the center. List the things you have to accomplish for work on one half—and the things you have to accomplish at home on the other. Whether it’s finishing that sales report or running errands—whatever is important today—write it down.

When you do, that 3x5 card may surprise you.

If you find your card is filled with busy tasks, errands and calls that don’t really move you closer to your biggest life goals (we call those “Skittles”), it’s time to reassess your priorities.

For example, if your goal is to be debt-free, could you do one thing every day toward eliminating your debt?

Instead of writing down “Order that bracelet for Gennifer’s birthday,” your 3x5 card might read: “List outstanding bills in a spreadsheet.”

Instead of “Start new car shopping,” your card could read “Move $100 from vacation fund to auto loan.”

See what I mean? Once it’s written down, you can see what makes sense (or not), and write a different to-do list that gets you closer to your best life ever: your “new normal" - the "normal" that YOU CREATE.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients create a list of goals, then prioritize their tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week.
We, at Oola, refer to your lists as “Oranges & Skittles”. 

You may already know that I am passionate about equipping, empowering and supporting others to create a healthy, energetic, more balanced life with less stress, more happiness and greater purpose – one choice at a time.
In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more.

Message me and we can jump on a call together to chat about it.

Just for fun, drop a comment below and tell us the one thing you’ve decide to do asap. Let’s share!

But for now, pull out a 3x5 card and write your must-do’s for tomorrow. I hope they include getting closer to your goals?!?
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