Do you want to be happy in life? My advice is to practice gratitude every day. 

OK...that isn’t always easy. I get it.

While some days are meant to be celebrated, others simply have to be endured. 
But in all days—regardless of what happens—make a point to be grateful in all things.

One activity that will help you stay in a state of gratitude is to start writing every day in a Gratitude Journal. It’s not something other people will read—it’s just for you. 

Every evening, as you end your day, jot down those things you’re grateful for—whether it’s something you already have or something new that showed up for you today. 
It may even be something that felt bad in the moment but that turned out to be an important lesson that you needed to learn. 
Or it might be something amazing that will lead you to your ideal life.

Whatever you’re grateful for . . . write it down.

While your Gratitude Journal may include the same entries for a while, in time, this will change as new things enter your life and your dreams come true—only to be replaced with new dreams and goals for the future.

I was reminded about maintaining a gratitude journal by Oola authors Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl—aka The OolaGuys. 

And now that I’ve joined forces with them as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I’m here to help you focus on getting what you want by finding balance and pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 
Now...isn't THAT something you'd be grateful for?

In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how coaching can work for you. 
Or, schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.

You can also check out the 10-week Oola Coaching Program for details or visit my Events Page to register for upcoming live online Oola events to learn more.
But right now—just for fun—drop a comment below and share the craziest thing you’ve ever been grateful for. We’ve all got a few that were questionable in the moment, but ultimately led to something we truly wanted. 
Are you ready to get your OolaLife?  Be grateful!

I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you!


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