If you could change one thing about your life today - that would positively influence all your tomorrows -what would it be?
Have you thought about it?

Would it be:

• Getting fit and healthy so you can keep up with your kids (or grandkids) and really enjoy life for the first time in years?

• Moving on from a toxic workplace to a fulfilling job you’re passionate about?

• Reaching your first $100,000 in a retirement account?

• Paying off your credit card debts or student loans?

• Some other goal?

For the next few weeks, I’d like to challenge you to choose, then tackle, the one thing you know in your heart that you must do to impact every aspect of your life.

The concept of one breakthrough goal is something I learned from The OolaGuys – Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. 

With so many stress points in life, they say, our lives can get out of balance. 
But narrowing our focus to our “OolaOne” – the one single goal we know we must achieve – can change our lives for the better (often permanently). 

Not only does it calm the chaos, it puts us together with new people, gives us new skills, and so much more. We get smarter, more confident, better connected, more loving, more generous, less stressed—qualities that enable us to truly live our unique purpose on this planet.

We can never go back to who we were because we become someone different in the process of pursuing our OolaOne.

Are you up for that kind of life change in 2021?

Permanent change is what the Oola lifestyle taught me, and it’s what I help others do as an Oola Life Coach.

START TODAY: Make a list of 7 goals – Then choose YOUR OolaOne.

So, what would you change in “The 7 F’s of Oola” (life areas below)? 

Choose seven goals in the following areas, then narrow it to just ONE thing that would change your life. 

Fitness • Finance • Family • Field • Faith • Friends • Fun

When you’ve decided, drop a comment below and share your OolaOne goal (unless it’s private). 
In my next post, I’ll give you a strategy for tackling the daily steps to achieve your OolaOne. 
Stay tuned! It will be a life-changing post that transforms the way you focus in 2021.
In the meantime, here are some places to go for more information about living the Oola lifestyle:

  • You can schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here
  • You can join my Oola Empowered Life Facebook here.
  • And/or, visit my Events Page to register for upcoming live Oola events.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!



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