Your family is your inner circle—the people you should turn to in tough times, but also the people who turn to YOU for the same reason. 

Imagine a family life that’s peaceful . . . happy . . . balanced. 

Now, check in with yourself about your current family situation. 
Do you need to improve your marriage, calm a tense family situation, set better boundaries, or otherwise improve your closest family relationships? 

One of the toughest things my coaching clients have to work through is a family situation that’s stressful, heartbreaking or at the tipping point of crisis. 
Even worse are those parents who are so stressed in other areas that they’ve “checked out” of their kids’ lives and future.
The good news is that it’s absolutely possible to create the kind of balanced, happy and supportive family life you want and deserve. 

While long-term goals take time and commitment, some immediate ways to improve your household atmosphere are to:

• Schedule a date night this weekend with your spouse
• Have that “difficult conversation” with your aging parent
• Enjoy dinner as a family at least three nights this week (without cell phones)
• Establish a calm morning routine for you & your family
• Set boundaries with your argumentative sibling
If you need to show up differently and make some serious changes (in your family situation or any other category), I have good news.
I’ve teamed up with Oola authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to bring you a 10-week focused framework that works to create a life of more balance, growth and purpose. 

Don't just dream about the ideal life you want. Start living it with Oola Coaching.
Want to learn more?
Here are some places to go for more information about Oola:
Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. 
Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


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