Have you ever wondered what it would take to calm the chaos and restore sanity in your financial life?

Ya, I know. It's a rhetorical question. 😉

From product subscriptions you no longer use . . . to streaming services you rarely watch . . . to payments on sports equipment or consumer goods you don’t have time for anymore, some charges hang out on our monthly credit card statement until even our “minimum payment” is overwhelming.

It’s time to calm the chaos in your finances.

Here's a good place to start:

Grab the last 12 months of credit card statements and review your monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.

• Cancel any services or subscriptions you’re not using

• Downgrade to a cheaper plan if you actually need less, including your phone service, your annual-fee credit card, even your parking pass.  (Be careful: changes to health insurance plans may trigger negative consequences.)

• Ask if there are newer payment plans that charge less, but deliver more (you’d be surprised)

• Return leased equipment (like that extra cable box) and other items you’re not using,  but are being charged for

You can begin to lower your stress level by decluttering your credit card statement and taking control of your monthly expenses. 

Do this before you tackle the biggest headache for most people: debt.

It’s easy to calm the chaos and restore sanity to your finances. 
All it takes is a system and an accountability partner. That’s where I can help. 

Finding balance in an unbalanced world is what I learned from The OolaGuys: Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, bestselling authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World
And now it’s what I help others do as a Certified Oola Life Coach, using a unique and proven framework that takes just 10 weeks.

To talk about what you’d like to accomplish with your finances (and/or every area of your life), message me and we can jump on a call or, better yet, schedule your complimentary discovery call  to talk to me directly about how and why coaching with me might be your next best step. 

Next time I’ll provide a list of tips that can help you create extra cash and get some financial breathing room before you tackle paying down debt.
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
 Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”. 

Let's work together to create an amazing life for you!


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