“You win some, you learn some.”  
This is one of my favorite quotes. It comes from singer/songwriter: Jason Mraz

When we’re in action, learning new skills and taking risks, some of the best lessons we learn are from our mistakes and our losses. 

When we push past the loss and learn from the experience, we achieve true wisdom. 
We realize that loss doesn’t define us; it’s just part of the journey.

We’re all going to make mistakes. That's just life.
The important thing is to learn from them and not repeat the same mistakes over and over.

Of course, learning lessons doesn’t always have to be a struggle.

We can also gain wisdom from the fun times in life. 

For instance, if we want to know what authentic Italian food tastes like, we can go to Italy and find out. 
If we want to learn firsthand about the amazing culture of London, we don’t have to read about it in a book; there’s an option to take a trip to London and explore it for ourselves. 

It’s very cool to gain wisdom through life experiences. 

But there’s another way that wisdom comes to us as we work on our goals: through mentors and advisors we seek out. 
Following or, if possible, befriending people who have already been successful in an area you want to pursue is invaluable. Luckily, there are all kinds of people who are wise in any area you’re working on. 

Adding mentors to your life, and nurturing those relationships, is a strategy that will get you to your goals faster—by learning through their experiences and expertise.

And, don’t ever forget to take the time to simply get quiet and listen intently to that still, small voice within YOU. 
I know that, for me, some of the decisions I’ve made in my life that turned out badly, were decisions that I KNEW in my heart I shouldn’t be making. 

Check in with your gut and your heart, not just your head.

So now, let me ask a question: 

Do you think YOU could amplify your life and gain wisdom through your own experience, intuition AND the experience of others?

Coaching people in working on life changes is something I do through a unique coaching program designed around the bestselling book and lifestyle framework: Oola.
More than 20 years ago, two holistic physicians—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—created Oola to help people establish new habits, practice new ways of living, and take those daily action steps that are key to bringing life into balance (then keeping it that way). 

I became an Oola Certified Life Coach to help others achieve this same balance and start creating an even better future.

Why not schedule your complimentary discovery call today?

It takes just 30 minutes to find out how the Oola coaching formula + weekly coaching sessions (just the two of us AND the OolaGuys) can get you there. 
 You can also check out these resources for more information on the Oola Lifestyle Framework:
Let me help you gain some wisdom and accelerate your success in life.


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