For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about living abundantly—the idea that you can create a life where everything’s solid: money, health, family, career, friendships. 

But while achieving abundance in key areas is amazing and definitely worth the pursuit—without faith, everything else loses meaning, importance, and purpose.

Here’s why:

While most people think of abundance as having ample money, an abundant life is far richer than that. 
It’s creating a meaningful life . . . pursuing work you’re passionate about . . . doing good in the world
. . . and leaving a legacy of knowledge, ideas, and passion to others you’ve brought on the journey with you.

Pursuing an abundant life is actually the process of becoming who God intended YOU to be. 

Not only that, but abundant faith is necessary in our chaotic and mixed-up world today. 

We always seem to look for answers or support whenever there’s a major upheaval in our lives.

Abundant faith will see you through. 

It’s where you’ll find comfort when logic alone doesn’t explain all the crazy stuff that comes up.
Want to begin growing or strengthening your faith?
Here are some small steps to consider:

  • A like-minded, supportive community is SO helpful in all things; especially Faith. If you don’t have a Church/Synagogue/Mosque home, consider visiting 3-4 to decide on the community that feels like a good fit for you. Hint: don't just visit one time. Try going back 3-4 times to really get a good and fair sense of the environment.
  • Try daily meditation. Recorded sessions are readily available online.
  • Research Bibles you might enjoy, then purchase one to read and study.
  • Set aside time for daily prayer. Whether it's a chunk of time all at once; or, like me, a conversation with God that goes on all day long.
If you’ve been thinking lately that focusing on creating an abundant life (including abundant faith) should be a major goal of yours, I’d like to invite you to chat with me about the 10-week Oola Coaching Program based on the proven, powerful lifestyle framework you'll find in the bestselling book series Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World

Schedule your  complimentary strategy session today and we can jump on a 30-45 minute call to talk about it.
You can also check out these resources for more information about "Oola":
, I promise you, once you start looking at your life through the lens of "Oola", you will never be the same.

It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. 
Let’s work together to make that happen.
Contact me today.
I'm here to help the future be an abundant one for you.


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