THE POWER OF FOCUS. Stay Focused. Be Disciplined.

All month long, we’ve been talking about THE POWER OF FOCUS. 

But did you know that staying focused on achieving your goals takes discipline?

Discipline is doing what must be done—even if you don’t want to - in that moment. 

It’s battling through the daily grind and putting in the extra hours. But it’s also doing things consistently—like eating the right foods, developing those new skills, or saving something every month for retirement.

Along the way, you’ll have good days and bad days; cuz, you know... life happens. 

And on those less than good days, I like to use a strategy I learned from my favorite human-potential experts: Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.

They call it “dialing in your discipline”. 

Plan ahead for the discipline you’ll need. 
Bring in the supplies, schedule the time, and recruit the support to keep you on track . . . even when you don’t feel like moving forward.

For instance…

If your goal is to lose 30 pounds and drop a few sizes, can you clean out the temptation in your pantry & fridge, join a gym, create a special drawer for your running gear, and set a daily alarm to get up an hour earlier? 

As you’re planning the necessary structure for maintaining your discipline, also plan ahead for what you’ll do when you encounter a lack of discipline. Because…let’s be real. You will.

How will you renew your efforts and push through that challenge? 

It could be an accountability partner who prompts you; or a reward you promise yourself for getting back on track and reaching a major milestone.

When you “dial in your discipline,” it makes it easier to focus on achieving your goals. 

An awesome life doesn't occur overnight. 
If you need help staying focused and accountable to your goals, I’m here to help. 

Together, we can make sure you’re focused; disciplined with new habits and behaviors that propel you toward your goals. 

As I’ve mentioned before, the Oola Transform Coaching Program is designed to support you in making massive progress in just 10 weeks. I’d be delighted to privately coach you through the process. 

Message me for more details or, better yet, schedule your complimentary discovery call  to talk to me directly about ways you can “dial in your discipline". We'll get all your questions answered and determine whether working with me is your next best step. 
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
 Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”. 
Let’s work together to create an amazing life for you.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


THE POWER OF FOCUS. Who’s There For You?

Do you ever find yourself ready for bed...feeling like you burned up the phone lines connecting with family and friends ALLLL day? 

In unsettling times like these, it’s comforting to have that emotional support system. 

But, have you ever wondered who you might call to help you with your most important life goals? 
Have you ever considered which mentors, experts, friends or family members can help you plan a more balanced, happy and growing lifestyle . . . then keep you accountable to taking steps to get there?

The reality is we don’t always have someone in our life who can fill this role. 
Loved ones, spouses and friends are rarely impartial. 
In fact, they’re far too close to our situation to be neutral. 

If you’ve ever asked a friend to be your workout buddy or financial accountability partner—only to have them flake on your regular meetups—you know what I mean. 

A qualified professional is really the only person who can keep you focused and who will be dedicated to your success over time.

That’s where I come in. 

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I am passionate about equipping, empowering and supporting  people from all walks of life to create a plan for the future and stay accountable for making progress towards it.
In fact, I’ve teamed up with my favorite human-potential experts—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World—to deliver a 10-week coaching program designed to help you get your own OolaLife. 
It's a proven framework that has brought success to countless people around the globe.
Why not schedule your complimentary discovery call  to talk to me directly and determine if the Oola Framework - and teaming up with me - is your next best step?

In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”. 
Let’s work together to make an amazing life happen for you.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

THE POWER OF FOCUS. There’s No Going Back To Ordinary.

YOU were designed by God for greatness and a purpose.

YOUR LIFE was designed to be unique, compelling . . .  exceptional. 

And by taking action to achieve your OolaLife, it can be. 

It’s your time to pursue the greatness that’s within you.
Of course, one bonus outcome you may not have considered before is how much just the pursuit of greatness will change you as a person. 

You’ll learn new skills, meet new contacts, and gain new wisdom. 

No one can take away who you become as a result of pursuing your goals.

Seriously...once you start down the path, there’s no going back to “ordinary.” 

Once you become a more connected entrepreneur, a more engaged mom, a more accomplished career professional . . . there’s no going back to average. 

Plus, you’ll inspire the people around you. 

As you’re becoming a more committed individual, your family, friends, coworkers, and others will be inspired to improve too—a phenomenon that will slowly change your family, your friends, your community . . . and ultimately transform the world. 

If you’ve ever thought, "I’m just one person. What could I possibly do"? 
Realize that just working on yourself serves a bigger purpose.

So if you see a bigger vision for your future and need help staying focused and accountable to achieving the steps that will get you there, I’m here to help.
Together, we can make sure you’re focused on being exceptional . . . and making massive progress. 
Together we can create real progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how coaching can work for you. 
Or, better yet, schedule your complimentary discovery call  to talk to me directly to determine if working together is your next best step.
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
 Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”. 

Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021. 

I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

THE POWER OF FOCUS. Take Action Every Day.

Life can get crazy. Am I right?
Especially when you start adding goals to your life and taking action toward achieving them. 

But here’s one thing I know to be true: simply planning your daily tasks and taking action toward your OolaLife is often what will calm the craziness and make you feel more in control. 

It’s like a pattern interrupt. 

You’re taking charge of your future.

If you’ve been following my posts recently, you’ve already decided what you want in life . . . and you’ve researched the steps to get there. 
But, in order to reach your goals, you can’t just stop at researching and planning.

Now’s the time to ensure you do what’s necessary to go the remaining distance. 

Start taking action today.

Grab a 3x5 card and write down just three things that will get you closer to one of your major goals. 

Believe it or not -that little card is one of the most powerful and life-changing tools available to you. 

When I first read the book Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World by authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, I realized the power of this daily “3x5 Card Strategy” for getting things done and achieving goals that will change your life.

What would YOUR daily 3x5 card look like?

If you find it’s filled with tasks, errands and calls that don’t really move you closer to your biggest life goals, it’s time to reassess your priorities.

Only by prioritizing can you free up time and energy to be in serious action on goals that matter.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients create a list of goals, then prioritize their tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week. 
In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the proven Oola framework via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your career, your finances, your relationships and more. 

Why not pull out a 3x5 card now and write your must-do’s for tomorrow. 
Then, make sure it includes tasks for getting closer to your goals of the highest priority.

What’s the one action item you’ve decide to do asap?  Leave a comment or message me with it. We can even jump on a call to chat about it.
Or, better yet, schedule your complimentary discovery call  to talk to me personally  about how coaching works and determine if working together IS your next best step.
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”; so contact me now.
Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021. 

I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!



THE POWER OF FOCUS. Here’s How To Stay On Task.

“There’s always a way . . . IF you’re committed.”
I love this quote from Tony Robbins, the bestselling author of Unlimited Power
It gives us hope for a bigger, brighter future. But it also comes with a warning: you gotta stay on task.

If you’ve been following my posts recently, you’ve already decided what you want in life . . . and you’ve researched the steps to get there. 

Now, it’s time to “stay on task.” 

Here’s a strategy I love that I learned from The OolaGuys, Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, founders of the worldwide Oola Coaching Network.  The three of us are working together to bring my followers an effective path to create a life of balance, growth and purpose. We call it the “OolaLife”.

Grab a 3x5 card and divide it in half by drawing a vertical line down the center. List the things you have to accomplish for work on one half—and the things you have to accomplish at home on the other. Whether it’s finishing that sales report or running errands—whatever is important today—write it down. 

When you do, that 3x5 card may surprise you.
If you find your card is filled with busy tasks, errands and calls that don’t really move you closer to your biggest life goals (we call those “Skittles”), it’s time to reassess your priorities.
If you want to start your own business, for instance—because you know you could earn more and have time freedom, too—could you write down: 
            “Contact the local SCORE office to research available business mentoring services”?

If your dream life includes retiring early, could you write down: 
                  “Contact a financial planner for help calculating how much money I’ll need”? 
Instead of being faced with a big scary task list that keeps you stuck where you are, you can write down the actions that will move you toward your goals and then break down those major tasks into smaller steps for your 3x5 card: just a few every day until they’re complete – and your goal is accomplished!
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients create a set of goals, then prioritize their tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing those smaller action steps week by week. 
In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the proven Oola framework via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. 

What’s the first step YOU can take toward your goals? 
Message me and we can jump on a call about it.
Or, better yet, schedule your complimentary discovery call  to talk to me personally  about how coaching works and determine if working together is your next best step.
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle:
 Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress towards your “OolaLife”. 
Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021.  
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

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