Crush Your Career in 2021

Here’s a question: Do you want the same career in 2021 that you had in 2020?
Was job stress (or even job loss) at the top of your list of worries this past year? 

If so, seriously consider how you might “wrap things up” this month, so you can improve your work situation in 2021. 

For instance, do you need to:

• Talk to your boss about a different approach to your deadlines?
• Talk to your spouse about parenting expectations?
• Rework your side hustle so it pays more, but takes less energy?
• Research what it takes to get a promotion?
• Create a plan to retire early and move into the encore career of your dreams?
Whether you work for someone else, have your own business, or parent full-time with a side hustle for extra cash, being in your right livelihood is critical to your happiness and well-being. 

Getting your career on solid footing will lower your stress, open your mind for growth, and help you find your ultimate life purpose.

“Field” (career) is one of “The 7 F’s of Oola” – a formula developed by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.

Now that I’ve joined forces with them as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I’m here to help you focus on getting what you want by finding better life-balance and pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 

In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by the OolaGuys and me. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how coaching can work for you. 
Or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here

You can check out the 10-week Oola Coaching Program for details; and you can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


Are you happy, growing and balanced in your career? 

Do you need to make a change in 2021? 

This past year has been a wake-up call for many people—and not always in a bad way.

For instance, if you were isolated at home for 8 weeks, perhaps you discovered how much you love the calm environment, slower pace, and being at home with your kids full-time. 

If you were furloughed or laid off, maybe that gave you pause to think about what you really want. 

Whatever your wake-up call was this past year, why not commit to making 2021 better than ever?

I’ve mentioned The OolaGuys before. Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple, proven formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing.

This month, I’ve been sharing a series of quizzes that Oola uses to help pinpoint where you are and what you need to work on. 
Today, that assessment focuses on your Field—one of The 7 F’s of Oola.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your career (Field)? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my overall job satisfaction  ____
• My job financially meets my needs......  ____
• I love my job.........................................  ____
• I feel as if I am doing what I was created to do  ____
• I have solid goals for myself in this field  ____
• My current job doesn’t interfere with 
   my family and personal time................  ____
• My job makes the world a better place  ____
• My job utilizes my natural gifts and abilities  ____
• My current job can support my 
.. long-term financial goals......................  ____
• My job offers the opportunity to grow 
.. personally, professionally and financially  ____

Soooo…..How does your "Field" scorecard look? 

If you want to improve it, I’m here to help. 
Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want and on pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 
In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to discuss how coaching can work for you; or schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.
You can also check out the 
10-week Oola Coaching Program for details and/or visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
Just for fun, drop a comment below and share YOUR most important career insight.  
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

Amplify Your Career 1% at a Time

FIELD: What Does Your Career Say About You?

Are you in a field you love, doing what you want to do? 
Or do you need to make a change (including making a change that’s been forced on you)? 

Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires  you and brings you joy...
you’re good at it, you’re needed, and you love everything about the 6-10 hours a day you spend doing it.

Whether it’s working at a local company . . . raising amazing kids as a full-time mom . . . or running your own show with a business of your own, is there a 1% improvement you could make to grow in your career, have more fun, show up in a bigger way, or finally make the kind of income you dream of? 

Through coaching all kinds of people, I’ve discovered that small hinges swing big doors…
in other words…
small steps can lead to big improvements. 

For instance, could you . . .

• Research special training that leads to a promotion?
• Learn a new skill that could grow your business?
• Look into starting a side hustle for extra income?
• Do the math to see how you might retire early?
• Ask to interview someone in a new field you’re interested in?

Career upgrades and business-building are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

And, by the way….

If this latest crisis has eliminated your job altogether, this may be the excuse (opportunity!) you need to pursue the work- life of your dreams.

So why not comment below and tell me about YOUR dream career

Then message me to talk more about how coaching works to improve careers, businesses, full-time parenting—even pursuing volunteer work or philanthropy. 

You were designed for greatness and a purpose. Let’s go get it for you!
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