FIELD: What Does Your Career Say About You?

Are you in a field you love, doing what you want to do? 
Or do you need to make a change (including making a change that’s been forced on you)? 

Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires  you and brings you joy...
you’re good at it, you’re needed, and you love everything about the 6-10 hours a day you spend doing it.

Whether it’s working at a local company . . . raising amazing kids as a full-time mom . . . or running your own show with a business of your own, is there a 1% improvement you could make to grow in your career, have more fun, show up in a bigger way, or finally make the kind of income you dream of? 

Through coaching all kinds of people, I’ve discovered that small hinges swing big doors…
in other words…
small steps can lead to big improvements. 

For instance, could you . . .

• Research special training that leads to a promotion?
• Learn a new skill that could grow your business?
• Look into starting a side hustle for extra income?
• Do the math to see how you might retire early?
• Ask to interview someone in a new field you’re interested in?

Career upgrades and business-building are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

And, by the way….

If this latest crisis has eliminated your job altogether, this may be the excuse (opportunity!) you need to pursue the work- life of your dreams.

So why not comment below and tell me about YOUR dream career

Then message me to talk more about how coaching works to improve careers, businesses, full-time parenting—even pursuing volunteer work or philanthropy. 

You were designed for greatness and a purpose. Let’s go get it for you!


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