Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. Drama-Free Finances? YES!

In my continuing series about calming the overwhelm and creating balance in all 7 major areas of life, can we talk about a significant pain point for most people?

Yeah, it’s . . . money.

If lately you’ve been stressed over credit card debt, fighting with your life partner about household spending, or worried about how you’re going to pay your bills, you could probably use a lot more balance in the area of finances. 

Of course, the recent economic upheaval hasn’t helped. 

But the reality is that some people sail through tough economic times with a healthy emergency fund, little to no debt, a side hustle that pays household expenses, and a lifestyle they can dial down at a moment’s notice. 

For others, an economic crisis like this one is a wake-up call that their finances may not have been great to begin with.

If the past year has been an eye-opener for you, why not consider what you can do today to bring balance to your finances. 

Could you . . .

• Slash your expenses to absolutely necessary costs only?
• Sell unused items on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace?
• Look for work-from-home gigs for extra money?
• Build a rainy-day savings account with just $100 to start?

Be Accountable for Your Financial Future

While a dire financial situation may seem impossible to deal with now, solid finances are possible if you create a plan and focus on making small steps regularly. 

👉 Write down all your debts and start paying them off, starting with the smallest one. 

👉 Start a second income stream to fund savings or retirement. 

👉 Get investment help from a professional financial planner you trust. 

👉 Talk with your spouse and kids about cutting back and saving up until you’re feeling better about your finances.

👉 Then, seriously consider working with me privately to set financial goals and be accountable for reaching them. 

Helping people find balance and achieve life changes in every major area is something I do through a unique 10-week coaching program designed around the bestselling book (and coaching formula):  Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.
Message me for details. Then let’s jump on a discovery call about what coaching can do for you.

Want to learn more?
Here are some places to go for more information about the Oola lifestyle:
Contact me now. It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. 
Let’s work together to make it happen for you in 2021.

P.S. If you want a coaching option that addresses ONLY the area of Finances, check out my 3-week 
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

Wrap Up Your Finances in 2020


Sure…holiday spending often leads to bigger bills in January. 

But, have you thought about rolling into 2021 with finances that are solid, a budget you can follow, and laser-beam focus on getting out of debt?
In a recent post, I talked about wrapping up 2020 so you can create the life you want next year.
But for too many people, “wrapping up” their finances in December means ignoring their credit limit, spending too much, and saying “I’ll get to it” when it comes to eliminating debt.
That’s not cool. 

Here’s what is:

• A budget that lets you pay the bills, save for the future, and still have fun (yes, it’s possible)

• Seven months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund that’s ready when disaster strikes

• Student loans, credit card balances, even mortgages – all debt paid off (for real)

• A solid estate plan with your will, trust or other documents completely handled and tucked away

• A healthy retirement fund with prudent investments that let you jump ship sooner than you think

• Money actually designated for fun . . . and for life’s coolest adventures

If your finances aren’t this solid right now, maybe you need some balance. 

In fact, one thing I’ve learned from “The OolaGuys” -- Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, authors of the international bestselling book Oola -- is that financial stress not only robs you of happiness, it negatively impacts family life and takes away choices when it comes to career, fun time, and lifestyle.
And...let's face it...carrying a heavy debt load has you focusing on your payments - not your purpose. 

If finances need to be your #1 priority next year, I can help. 

I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. 

Message me and we can jump on a call about it. Or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
Not only will coaching help you define the goals you want to achieve, it will keep you accountable to doing those things every day that bring about the results you want!

I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

JUST TEN WEEKS FROM NOW. Finances Looking Good!

Are you hoping life will get better in 2021? 
For many people, “better” means improving their finances. 
If 2020 has left you wondering what could possibly get worse—
if your income’s been impacted and your debts have become overwhelming—
realize that, with the right plan, your finances CAN improve. 

You CAN be free of debt. 
You CAN improve your earnings. 
You CAN invest for your future.

When I first started working with The OolaGuys to become a Certified Oola Life Coach, I discovered that the Oola formula has over a million followers around the world. 
Story after story appeared on their Facebook page of people who had hit major financial goals. 
Some paid off over $100,000 in debt, got better-paying jobs, or moved into their dream house.

It IS possible.

And today, I want to help you assess where you are with your finances. 
It may be a wake-up call, but it’s the first step toward getting past the overwhelm. 
Let’s see where you’re at.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your finances? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my current personal finances ____
• I’m saving at least 10% of my earnings for
.. nonretirement purchases (car, vacation,
.. down payment on new home, etc.)...... ____
• I’m totally debt-free (except my mortgage) ____
• My monthly income exceeds monthly expenses     ____
• I’m investing at least 15% for retirement ____
• I have an emergency fund equaling 
.. at least seven months of expenses........ ____
• I have the proper insurance(s) in place................... ____
• I tithe regularly to my church and donate time
.. to charities with no expectation of anything
.. in return................................................. ____
• I have a complete/updated will or estate plan   ____
• I have a budget and stick to it every month ____
If this assessment was a wake-up call, I’d like to help. 

The 10-week Oola Coaching Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to improve their finances and live with less stress, more balance, and greater purpose.

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your goals; or  you can schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
What’s the first step YOU need to take toward improving your financial picture? 
Drop a comment below and share it. Then let me know how I can help!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

Money & Finance. 1% is Bigger Than You Think!

How are you handling the financial downturn? 
Is this an area where you need to start making 1% improvements?
The reality is that some people sail through tough economic times with a healthy emergency fund, little to no debt, a side hustle that pays household expenses, and a lifestyle they can dial down at a moment’s notice. 
For others, an economic crisis like this one is a wake-up call that their finances may not have been great to begin with.
If the past few months have been an eye-opener for you, why not consider what kind of 1% improvement you can make today to improve your finances. 
Could you . . .
• Cancel luxury subscriptions like meal kits or water delivery?
• Sell or return sports gear you’re making payments on?
• Sell unused items on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace?
• Look for work-at-home jobs with reputable companies?
• Build a rainy-day savings account with just $100 to start?

You Get What You Focus On

While your situation may seem impossible right now, solid finances are possible if you create a plan and focus on making small steps regularly. 
Start today.
Write down all your debts and make an extra payment on the smallest one if you can. 
In Oola, we like 7’s. So consider making an extra payment of $77. 
Don’t have $77? 
Pay $7. 
If that’s not enough of a challenge for you, pay $777 towards a debt. 
The amount doesn’t matter as much as the commitment. 
It’s a message you’re sending to the Universe that you’ve had enough! That it’s time to make a change in your financial situation and nothing’s going to stop you from making progress toward that mound of debt that feels like it’s taking over your life!

No debt? Congratulations!
How about giving that $7, $77, or $777 to a cause that you are passionate about? 
Because giving is very Oola!
Move any extra money you get into savings or a retirement fund. 
Research simple ways to get investment help such as a mutual fund company or local financial planner.
Talk with your spouse and kids about researching low-cost fun, recycled fashions, home cooking, and cool volunteering options instead of expensive vacations. Make it a fun family project with everyone participating. 
Whatever 1% improvement you decide that would change YOUR finances for the better starting today, I would love to have you share it with me by commenting below!

Then, seriously consider working with me privately to set financial goals and take action on your most important category. 

Helping people find balance and achieve life changes in every major area is something I do through a 
unique 10-week coaching program designed around the bestselling book and coaching formula: Oola. 
Message me to learn more!
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