Sure…holiday spending often leads to bigger bills in January. 

But, have you thought about rolling into 2021 with finances that are solid, a budget you can follow, and laser-beam focus on getting out of debt?
In a recent post, I talked about wrapping up 2020 so you can create the life you want next year.
But for too many people, “wrapping up” their finances in December means ignoring their credit limit, spending too much, and saying “I’ll get to it” when it comes to eliminating debt.
That’s not cool. 

Here’s what is:

• A budget that lets you pay the bills, save for the future, and still have fun (yes, it’s possible)

• Seven months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund that’s ready when disaster strikes

• Student loans, credit card balances, even mortgages – all debt paid off (for real)

• A solid estate plan with your will, trust or other documents completely handled and tucked away

• A healthy retirement fund with prudent investments that let you jump ship sooner than you think

• Money actually designated for fun . . . and for life’s coolest adventures

If your finances aren’t this solid right now, maybe you need some balance. 

In fact, one thing I’ve learned from “The OolaGuys” -- Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, authors of the international bestselling book Oola -- is that financial stress not only robs you of happiness, it negatively impacts family life and takes away choices when it comes to career, fun time, and lifestyle.
And...let's face it...carrying a heavy debt load has you focusing on your payments - not your purpose. 

If finances need to be your #1 priority next year, I can help. 

I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. 

Message me and we can jump on a call about it. Or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
Not only will coaching help you define the goals you want to achieve, it will keep you accountable to doing those things every day that bring about the results you want!

I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


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