Friends. We couldn’t have gotten through this year without them. 

If the past several months have made you really value friendships and connection, I have a question: 
What would your life look like if your closest friendships were even more solid and supportive?

And what if you added some key friendships, like mentors, who could guide you in making difficult life or career decisions?

Friends just make life better.

In fact, “Friends” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—the proven formula created by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. We’ve teamed up to bring my followers the 
10-week Oola Coaching Program to help you make goals, stay focused and achieve the happy, balanced and growing life you want – AND deserve.

But let’s take a look at your current friendships.
Where do you need to improve?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your friendships? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my social network of friends  ____
• I have unconditionally loving, supportive, 
.. and empowering friends......................  ____
• I am satisfied with the number of 
.. friendships in my life............................  ____
• I am a good example/mentor for my friends  ____
• My friends support my dreams and 
.. are good examples/mentors for me.....  ____
• When I think of my three closest friends, 
.. I have no stress.....................................  ____
• I openly communicate and trust my friends  ____
• I have friends who are good mentors 
.. in all 7 F’s of Oola..................................  ____
• I have no hard feelings or ill will toward 
.. my present friendships.........................  ____
• I am not judgmental toward my friends  ____

If you need to upgrade your friendships—plus stay focused and accountable to your other life goals—I’m here to help. Together, we can make sure you’re disciplined—with new habits and behaviors that propel you toward your goals. 
As I’ve mentioned before, the Oola Coaching Program is designed to support you in making massive progress in just 10 weeks. 
I’d be delighted to privately coach you through the process!
Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to discuss how coaching can work for you; or schedule your complimentary call with me HERE
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
 For now, feel free to drop a comment below and share something about your friendships you’d like to upgrade.
Remember…It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. Let’s work together to make that happen!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!



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