JUST TEN WEEKS FROM NOW. Fun Times. Waaaayy More Often!

When was the last time you had some fun?

 While the past several months have been exhausting for many people, you can make 2021 a better year by adding some everyday fun, hobbies, unique interests—and even “bucket list” adventures you’ve dreamed of your entire life.

“Fun” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola, and today we’re going to talk about how much fun you have in your life (or how much you need to add in order to create a life that’s happy and balanced).

If you’ve been following my posts over the past month, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to make 2021 better than the crazy year we’ve just been through.

If 2020 has caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your finances, your health, your relationships and your future, we should jump on a call to discuss exactly what you want 2021 to look like! It’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too.
Message me and let’s schedule some time to chat soon, or schedule your complimentary call with me HEREYou can also go here to read more about the 10-week Oola Coaching Program before we jump on that call; or visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more!
For now, let’s see how much fun you’re having in your life—and decide whether you need to add more.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the amount of fun you have in your life? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my fun in life...................  ____
• I enjoy and am having fun in life.........  ____
• I try new things often..........................  ____
• I invest time pursuing my passion or hobby  ____
• I have fun outside of work at least 3x per week  ____
• I do at least one “bucket list” item each year ____
• I am a fun person to be around...........  ____
• Fun rarely interferes with my responsibilities  ____
• People would say that I’m a fun person  ____
• I easily find free fun in simple everyday life  ____

Coaching can help you rediscover fun hobbies, unique interests, and even your true passion in life . . . a major stepping stone on the way to living the OolaLife. 

Contact me today and let’s chat about your next step!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

Everyday FUN: The 1% Rule For Happiness

FUN: When Was the Last Time You Had Some?

OK, so the world is a crazy place right now. But can you still give yourself permission to have some fun?
Of course you can!
Good times are the spark that recharges your batteries and refreshes your mind for what’s coming next. 

Whether it’s daily fun, weekend treks, or vacations and bucket-list adventures you plan for months, fun is an essential part of being human.
In fact, it delivers real physiological benefits by combatting the stress hormone cortisol in your body. 

So, if you’re someone who says, “Fun is for kids. Adults don’t do that” . . .
or if you have the commonly held belief: “I’ll have fun once I retire”, realize that you’re cheating yourself from one of the real joys of life.

What could you do to make a 1% improvement in the amount of fun you have in your life? 

It doesn’t require a lot of money. Here are some ideas . . .

• Take a picnic and hike a local trail

• Visit a historical place for the first time

• Text the gals for an impromptu lunch

• Volunteer for a community cleanup day

• Go to an apple-growing region for cider tasting

With some planning, you could even enjoy bucket-list adventures like:
meeting someone famous who inspires you . . . attending a high-level workshop related to your hobby. . .   
participating in a mission trip. . . having tea at the Ritz (in Britain!). . .treat someone to something amazing. . .
fulfill a childhood dream (for yourself or with a favorite child in your life). 

Comment and tell me the most fun you’ve ever had!

As a coach, I not only help people create a plan for achieving their goals in major life categories like fitness, finances, and field (career), but I also make sure their plan doesn’t leave out the all-important factor of “FUN”. 
And…by now you know that I am passionate about equipping, empowering & supporting women over 50 to create a healthy, energetic more balanced life with less stress, more happiness and greater purpose – one choice at a time.

Could you use less stress, more balance, and more fun in your life? 

Whether your goals are financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the unique coaching program I deliver is designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want. 

Why settle for ordinary, when extraordinary is within you?
You deserve an amazing life!

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