Why does getting ahead seem so overwhelming?
There’s always too much to do. And worse, there never seems to be enough time, money or energy for achieving our biggest life goals. Wouldn't you agree?
Well, in the next few blog posts, I’d like to challenge you to work on improving your life just 1% at a time. That’s right: together we’ll take “baby steps” towards lowering your stress level, bringing balance to your finances, work life, family relationships and more.
The reality is that there’s a lot to be stressed about today.
But relief is attainable with one or two small “wins” every few days—like paying off just one bill or decluttering just one room or completing just one workout.
Of course, the concept of “1% Improvement” isn’t new.
Many personal growth experts encourage us to do small things that have a large impact.
But I especially like the way this concept is described in the bestselling book, "Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World".
To sum it up: identify what’s not working in your life, then write down three tasks you could do tomorrow to move towards solving just one problem, eliminating just one source of stress, achieving one goal.
I’m up for that kind of to-do list . . . how about you?
Let me guide you in making plans, taking steps, making one choice at a time and sharing your wins with others as you decide to make “1% Improvement.”
It’s what the Oola framework taught me, and it’s what I help others do as an Oola Life Coach.
Today, let’s take inventory.
Do you have stress in any of “The 7 F’s of Oola” (below)?
Write down your list of what’s not working in a journal or on your smartphone, so you can refer back to it.
Fitness: Excess weight? Poor nutrition? Too little exercise?
Finance: Overwhelming debt? Too many bills? No retirement plan?
Family: Need to set some boundaries? Marriage on life support? Feeling disconnected from your children?
Field: Career stress? No free time? Low pay or benefits? Unfulfilled?
Faith: No real relationship/connection with God? Need a daily practice or a like-minded community?
Friends: Toxic friends that bring you down or distract you from your goals? Need mentors?
Fun: No time for fun? Waiting until you’re older or retired?
Whatever is stressing you, create your list of what’s not working . . . then, if you'd like, comment below and share where you’d like to make improvements (but hey, don't reveal personal details you don't want others to read!).
Next time, I’ll give you a “1% Improvement” strategy for tackling the daily steps needed to achieve the life you want - the best kept secret of top achievers!