When 1% Leads To A Purpose-Filled Future

FAITH: Get Clear on Why You’re Here

While most people float through life unaware of their place in the bigger picture, the truth is that you are here for a purpose. 
There’s a unique calling on your life that requires your attention, and one of the easiest ways to discover your unique purpose is through a greater connection to God—our true source of love and wisdom.

If the world has thrown your life off track lately and you could really use someone on your side, God is ready for a wholehearted relationship with you!  And it’s this connection where you’ll discover your special purpose. 
It’s where you can say, “If this is what I’m supposed to be doing, then please light my path and show me the next steps.” 
It's also where you can find answers, guidance and comfort when the tough stuff comes up in your life.

Personally, I am a Faith-Filled Believer and Jesus Lover. However,  I’m not here to prescribe any particular religion. But I do know that faith asks us to believe in something bigger than ourselves. 
So how can you get connected and practice your faith in a greater way?

You may have guessed it. Start with just 1% Improvement!

Here are some tiny steps toward greater faith:

• A like-minded, supportive community is SO helpful in all things; especially Faith. If you don’t have a Church/Synagogue/Mosque home, consider visiting 3-4 to decide on the community that feels like a good fit for you. 
Hint: don't just visit one time. Try going back 3-4 times to really get a good and fair sense of the environment.

• Try daily meditation. Recorded sessions are readily available online.

• Research Bibles you like, then purchase one to read and study.

• Set aside time for daily prayer. Whether it's a chunk of time all at once; or, like me, a conversation with God that goes on all day long.

What has helped you grow in faith? I would love for you to comment below and share your insights.

Of course, part of having strong faith is working on yourself and working toward a purpose-filled future.
If you don’t quite know what's ahead for you, I can help. 

Coaching people through finding balance and achieving life changes in every major area is something I do through a unique 10-week coaching program designed around the bestselling book and coaching formula: Oola.
Check it out or message me for details. 

Don’t forget to comment below and tell me what has helped YOU grow in YOUR faith. 

Amplify Your Career 1% at a Time

FIELD: What Does Your Career Say About You?

Are you in a field you love, doing what you want to do? 
Or do you need to make a change (including making a change that’s been forced on you)? 

Part of living a balanced, happy life is doing work that inspires  you and brings you joy...
you’re good at it, you’re needed, and you love everything about the 6-10 hours a day you spend doing it.

Whether it’s working at a local company . . . raising amazing kids as a full-time mom . . . or running your own show with a business of your own, is there a 1% improvement you could make to grow in your career, have more fun, show up in a bigger way, or finally make the kind of income you dream of? 

Through coaching all kinds of people, I’ve discovered that small hinges swing big doors…
in other words…
small steps can lead to big improvements. 

For instance, could you . . .

• Research special training that leads to a promotion?
• Learn a new skill that could grow your business?
• Look into starting a side hustle for extra income?
• Do the math to see how you might retire early?
• Ask to interview someone in a new field you’re interested in?

Career upgrades and business-building are two of the best reasons to work with a life coach. 
Without family pressure, opinions, or judgment, we can look at what YOU really want and how you might transition—safely and sensibly—into a situation that’s far better than the one you’re in now.

And, by the way….

If this latest crisis has eliminated your job altogether, this may be the excuse (opportunity!) you need to pursue the work- life of your dreams.

So why not comment below and tell me about YOUR dream career

Then message me to talk more about how coaching works to improve careers, businesses, full-time parenting—even pursuing volunteer work or philanthropy. 

You were designed for greatness and a purpose. Let’s go get it for you!

Family Relationships. This is Where 1% Really Pays Off!

Family: Is Somebody Trying to Tell You Something?

One of my favorite quotes is from corporate consultant Jack Rosenblum who said: If one person tells you you're a horse, they’re crazy. If three people tell you you're a horse, there's a conspiracy afoot. If ten people tell you you're a horse, it's time to buy a saddle. LOL. But what Jack’s really talking about here is feedback—the kind we don’t want to hear and, too often, the kind that many of us ignore. 

Well, what feedback are you getting about your family that you might be ignoring? 

One of the toughest things my coaching clients have to work through is a family situation that’s stressful, heartbreaking or simply needs attention. 

So today, what’s one small step—a 1% improvement—you can make to improve your marriage, family relationships, boundaries, house rules, or living situation? 

Could you . . .
• Schedule a date night this Saturday with your spouse?
• Have that “difficult conversation” with your aging parent?
• Cook dinner as a family at least three nights this week?
• Establish a calm morning routine for younger children?
• Set boundaries with your argumentative brother?
Whatever 1% improvement you decide that would change YOUR family relationships for the better starting today, I would love to have you share it with me by commenting below!
Your family is your inner circle—the people you should turn to in tough times, but also the people who turn to YOU for the same reason. 

If you need to show up differently and make some serious changes (in your family situation or any other category), I have good news: I’ve teamed up with Oola authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to bring you a 10-week focused approach to creating a life that’s balanced, happy, and growing in all of the key areas. Oola Family is just one. 

Don't just dream about the ideal life you want. 
Start living it with Oola Coaching
Click now (or message me)!


Money & Finance. 1% is Bigger Than You Think!

How are you handling the financial downturn? 
Is this an area where you need to start making 1% improvements?
The reality is that some people sail through tough economic times with a healthy emergency fund, little to no debt, a side hustle that pays household expenses, and a lifestyle they can dial down at a moment’s notice. 
For others, an economic crisis like this one is a wake-up call that their finances may not have been great to begin with.
If the past few months have been an eye-opener for you, why not consider what kind of 1% improvement you can make today to improve your finances. 
Could you . . .
• Cancel luxury subscriptions like meal kits or water delivery?
• Sell or return sports gear you’re making payments on?
• Sell unused items on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace?
• Look for work-at-home jobs with reputable companies?
• Build a rainy-day savings account with just $100 to start?

You Get What You Focus On

While your situation may seem impossible right now, solid finances are possible if you create a plan and focus on making small steps regularly. 
Start today.
Write down all your debts and make an extra payment on the smallest one if you can. 
In Oola, we like 7’s. So consider making an extra payment of $77. 
Don’t have $77? 
Pay $7. 
If that’s not enough of a challenge for you, pay $777 towards a debt. 
The amount doesn’t matter as much as the commitment. 
It’s a message you’re sending to the Universe that you’ve had enough! That it’s time to make a change in your financial situation and nothing’s going to stop you from making progress toward that mound of debt that feels like it’s taking over your life!

No debt? Congratulations!
How about giving that $7, $77, or $777 to a cause that you are passionate about? 
Because giving is very Oola!
Move any extra money you get into savings or a retirement fund. 
Research simple ways to get investment help such as a mutual fund company or local financial planner.
Talk with your spouse and kids about researching low-cost fun, recycled fashions, home cooking, and cool volunteering options instead of expensive vacations. Make it a fun family project with everyone participating. 
Whatever 1% improvement you decide that would change YOUR finances for the better starting today, I would love to have you share it with me by commenting below!

Then, seriously consider working with me privately to set financial goals and take action on your most important category. 

Helping people find balance and achieve life changes in every major area is something I do through a 
unique 10-week coaching program designed around the bestselling book and coaching formula: Oola. 
Message me to learn more!

Health & Fitness. What does 1% improvement look like for you?

How have you been feeling lately?

While we’re all aware of the global health crisis right now, have you considered what you can do to improve your own health and lifestyle right now?

One of the best outcomes of living the Oola life is getting back to basics: adequate sleep, nutritious food, time for exercise—plus setting aside time to handle longstanding conditions that cause pain, embarrassment or anxiety.
Simply starting the journey toward being fit and healthy will boost your energy, immunity and brain function. 
And a daily walk around the neighborhood delivers noticeable results.

In a recent blog, I introduced the concept of “1% Improvement.”

Well, what is the one "1% step" you could take toward better health and fitness TODAY?

Could you . . .

• Plan a healthy dinner, then take a 45-minute walk?

• Cut out the sugar from your diet starting today?

• Research The Elimination Diet to identify food sensitivities?

• Do some research to Ditch & Switch the household & personal care products that you currently have in your home and are toxic to your health? (I call it creating a "Healthy, Healing Home".)

• Hire a Whole-Life Wellness Coach who is passionate about empowering, equipping and supporting you on your journey to better health? 😉

Seriously though…if you took time after my last post to make a list of what’s not working in your life, then resolved to improve your health or fitness level in some way, why not use the best kept secret of top achievers: Coaching.
Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their path to the healthy, balanced and financially secure lifestyle they want, working with a coach is at the top of the list.

The Oola Coaching Program is the formula/framework I discovered that has transformed not only my life, but the lives of countless people around the world. Not only will it help you define the goals you want to achieve, it will keep you accountable to doing those things every day that bring about the results you want.

Check out Oola Coaching and consider working with me every week to find balance and calm the overwhelm in major life areas like finances, fitness, family, field (career) and more.

For now, comment below (or message me) with the 1% step you’ll take to improve your health today!
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