Whatever Your Goal Was In 2020, Use This Month to Wrap It Up!

For countless people, December is a month for celebrating and focusing on family, friends and what’s truly important. 
It’s a month for great food and fun times . . . and giving gifts.

But before you get out the wrapping paper and ribbon, why not inventory your accomplishments over the past year and recommit to the things you wish you’d done?

It’s time to take a serious look at 2020 and wrap it up!

If you’ve been following my posts over the last several months, you know that I am passionate about creating balance and lowering stress in 7 major areas of life. It’s something I learned from “The OolaGuys”—Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, authors of the international bestselling book Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.

They recommend (and I do, too) taking inventory to see where you’re at right now – and determine how you’ll get to where you want to be.
So which loose ends do you need to “wrap up” before the end of 2020? 
And what do you need to do in 2021 to live the life you really want?

Here are some examples of "Incompletes" from 2020 that may need some wrapping up:

Fitness: Health condition(s) that needs to be handled? 
Finance: Overwhelming debt that needs to be paid off (or down)? 
Family: Crucial conversations you need to have? 
Field: That talk with management about a promotion?
Faith: That Bible study guide you bought months ago?
Friends: Catch up calls to friends who’ve drifted away?
Fun: Travel photos framed or put in a Shutterfly book?  

Whatever you need to wrap up this year, why not spend December focusing on it?
And while you’re busy completing those “incompletes”, why not dream a little about the life you want to create in 2021? 

Whatever your plans for next year, I can help you stay focused on them. 

In fact, I’ve joined forces with The OolaGuys to bring my followers the proven Oola formula via a 
10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. 
Message me and we can jump on a call about it. Or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me HERE. 
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

Be Grateful. Have Faith. Choose Happiness.

“Choose Happiness.” 

I always smile when I see that on a bumper sticker or Pinterest. It’s such a quaint idea. 
I mean, whoever talks about happiness anymore?
The news media doesn’t talk about it. Most coworkers talk about everything but. 
And happiness has become such a vague notion anyway . . . seriously, what does it really even mean?

So, here’s what I know for sure . . .

Happiness is not something you simply find or that other people are responsible to give to you. 
Instead, it’s something you choose on your own. 

And making small changes like being grateful? 

Well...that creates a shift in your outlook. 
You can wake up every day and live your life, or you can wake up every day and let life happen to you. 
Whether you drive the bus or ride the bus, it’s always your choice. 

I’ve chosen gratitude, and it’s helped give me a new perspective on life today—as well as for the future. 
I’m content with what I have, but reaching for growth, too. 
Being balanced and growing—that’s real happiness to me.

Are you ready to be grateful while reaching for growth in the major areas of your life?

If you’ve been following my posts over the past month, you know that—right now—you have a unique opportunity to make next year better than the one we’ve just been through.

If recent events have caused you to re-think your lifestyle, your finances, your health, your relationships and your future, we should jump on a call to discuss exactly what you want your future to look like. 
It’s what I help clients with, and it would be my honor to work with you, too.

Message me and let’s schedule some time to chat soon or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me HERE. You can read more about the 10-week Oola Coaching Program before we jump on that call. 
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you!

Mastering the Art of Gratitude. Be Grateful (even) in Tough Times.

All month we’ve been talking about gratitude . . . being grateful for what you have in your life, while still working on growing in every area.

The reality is that being in a state of gratitude is something you practice over time. It’s a habit. 

But how will you know when you’ve achieved true mastery? 
How will you know that you can be grateful no matter what shows up? 

Here’s how: when something bad—and totally unexpected—hits you and you think, “There’s no way anyone could be grateful about this”.

Consider the following…

• If you lose your job unexpectedly, could you eventually move into a new career that you’re even more passionate about?

• If you suffer a health challenge, could it actually be the incentive that prompts you to eat better, lose weight, exercise more and lead a healthier lifestyle?

• If the committee doesn’t choose you, is it possible that something better might come along that you’re free to do because you’re not committed elsewhere?

• And if financial disaster strikes, might it help you organize your finances and lifestyle differently so you end up living with less stress?

Being grateful in the face of hardship isn’t easy.  But by working to make gratitude a daily habit, you can go through your day, and your life, with more optimism in general. 

You’ll actually be more mentally prepared even if the worst does happen.

How else can you better prepare to survive life’s ups and downs?
Well...that’s easy: work on finding balance in every area by joining me for the 10-week Oola Coaching Program
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I’m here to help. 
Together, we can make sure you have a plan and stay disciplined—with new habits and behaviors that propel you toward your goals. 

As I’ve mentioned before, the Oola Coaching Program is designed to support you in making massive progress in just 10 weeks. I’d be delighted to privately coach you through this powerful, proven process. 

Message me for more details or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me HERE.
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
But for now, drop a comment below and share something you initially thought was a disaster that eventually led to a dramatic and positive change in your life. 

Let’s inspire each other! And be grateful even in tough times. 
I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you!


Be Grateful, But Take Action!

Have you heard?
In life, you don’t get what you want, you get what you expect. 

I’d heard this principle from multiple sources, including from Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl, authors of the bestselling book series, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World.

As it turns out, expecting an awesome future AND staying in a state of grateful anticipation is super-important. 
In fact, your expectations actually become a powerful force that attracts the opportunities, resources, and people necessary for you to achieve your goals and add new elements to your ideal life. 

There’s even a universal law that says if you set goals and ask for things in a state of grateful anticipation—then believe they’ll show up—you’ll actually receive what you ask for. 
It’s called the Law of Attraction - and gratitude boosts the law’s effect.

However, the Law of Attraction is not a genie in a bottle that you simply rub in order to get what you want. 
You can’t just dream about the perfect life, then expect it to appear out of nowhere. 
You also have to practice another important law: The Law of Action.

When you take conscious action toward creating the life you want, you send powerful signals out into the world that you actually expect that life to show up. 
(After all, you wouldn’t be doing all that work for nothing, right?) 

Be grateful for what you have now, but TAKE ACTION on getting what you want to be, do and have in the future.
Of course, I’m not here to tell you what your perfect life should include—it’s your job to make those choices. 
But I do have a powerful, proven plan for getting there.  It’s the 10-week Oola Coaching Program
Whether it’s a more fulfilling career, a rock solid marriage, better finances, vibrant good health . . . or something else, I’d like to invite you to chat about how coaching works and what it can do for you. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss it. 
Or, schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.
You can also check out the 10-week Oola Coaching Program for details or visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. Let’s work together to make that happen.
I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you!


Do you want to be happy in life? My advice is to practice gratitude every day. 

OK...that isn’t always easy. I get it.

While some days are meant to be celebrated, others simply have to be endured. 
But in all days—regardless of what happens—make a point to be grateful in all things.

One activity that will help you stay in a state of gratitude is to start writing every day in a Gratitude Journal. It’s not something other people will read—it’s just for you. 

Every evening, as you end your day, jot down those things you’re grateful for—whether it’s something you already have or something new that showed up for you today. 
It may even be something that felt bad in the moment but that turned out to be an important lesson that you needed to learn. 
Or it might be something amazing that will lead you to your ideal life.

Whatever you’re grateful for . . . write it down.

While your Gratitude Journal may include the same entries for a while, in time, this will change as new things enter your life and your dreams come true—only to be replaced with new dreams and goals for the future.

I was reminded about maintaining a gratitude journal by Oola authors Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl—aka The OolaGuys. 

And now that I’ve joined forces with them as a Certified Oola Life Coach, I’m here to help you focus on getting what you want by finding balance and pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 
Now...isn't THAT something you'd be grateful for?

In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss how coaching can work for you. 
Or, schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.

You can also check out the 10-week Oola Coaching Program for details or visit my Events Page to register for upcoming live online Oola events to learn more.
But right now—just for fun—drop a comment below and share the craziest thing you’ve ever been grateful for. We’ve all got a few that were questionable in the moment, but ultimately led to something we truly wanted. 
Are you ready to get your OolaLife?  Be grateful!

I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you!

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