JUST 10 WEEKS FROM NOW. Friends That Have Your Back.


Friends. We couldn’t have gotten through this year without them. 

If the past several months have made you really value friendships and connection, I have a question: 
What would your life look like if your closest friendships were even more solid and supportive?

And what if you added some key friendships, like mentors, who could guide you in making difficult life or career decisions?

Friends just make life better.

In fact, “Friends” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—the proven formula created by Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. We’ve teamed up to bring my followers the 
10-week Oola Coaching Program to help you make goals, stay focused and achieve the happy, balanced and growing life you want – AND deserve.

But let’s take a look at your current friendships.
Where do you need to improve?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your friendships? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my social network of friends  ____
• I have unconditionally loving, supportive, 
.. and empowering friends......................  ____
• I am satisfied with the number of 
.. friendships in my life............................  ____
• I am a good example/mentor for my friends  ____
• My friends support my dreams and 
.. are good examples/mentors for me.....  ____
• When I think of my three closest friends, 
.. I have no stress.....................................  ____
• I openly communicate and trust my friends  ____
• I have friends who are good mentors 
.. in all 7 F’s of Oola..................................  ____
• I have no hard feelings or ill will toward 
.. my present friendships.........................  ____
• I am not judgmental toward my friends  ____

If you need to upgrade your friendships—plus stay focused and accountable to your other life goals—I’m here to help. Together, we can make sure you’re disciplined—with new habits and behaviors that propel you toward your goals. 
As I’ve mentioned before, the Oola Coaching Program is designed to support you in making massive progress in just 10 weeks. 
I’d be delighted to privately coach you through the process!
Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to discuss how coaching can work for you; or schedule your complimentary call with me HERE
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
 For now, feel free to drop a comment below and share something about your friendships you’d like to upgrade.
Remember…It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. Let’s work together to make that happen!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


JUST TEN WEEKS FROM NOW. Faith To Handle Anything.

For many people, 2020 tested their belief, their faith, and their daily walk with God. 

Have you noticed? 
It always seems that we look for answers or support whenever there’s a major upheaval in our lives . . . 
and, so far, this year has brought plenty of that. Right?!?

As part of my continuing month-long series, I’ve been introducing you to a series of self-assessments that Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—The OolaGuys—use in the popular 10-week coaching program we conduct together. 

Now I’d like to share another one with you about your faith.

“Faith” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—those major life areas that all our problems, happiness, improvement and challenges seem to fall into.

Is your faith strong? Or could it be stronger?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your faith? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my faith............................  ____
• I feel connected to a higher purpose....  ____
• I am plugged into a faith community and 
.. continue to learn/grow.........................  ____
• I spend at least 20 minutes a day 
.. in meditation and/or prayer.................  ____
• My beliefs and the way I live my life 
.. are congruent.......................................  ____
• I use my faith to help resolve conflict 
.. and issues in my life..............................  ____
• I reflect on my faith often throughout the day  ____
• I forgive easily.......................................  ____
• I rely on my faith to guide my choices 
.. and my decisions..................................  ____
• I feel comfortable sharing and 
.. teaching my faith to others..................  ____

While The OolaGuys don’t tell you what to believe or which religion to follow (and neither do I), we DO know that having a strong faith is a critical part of a grounded, balanced and happy life.

If your life could be better in some area(s)—fitness, finance, family, field, faith, friends and fun—I’d like to invite you to have a chat about the 10-week Oola Coaching Program.  Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to discuss how coaching can work for you; or schedule your complimentary call with me HERE
Or visit my 
Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
It only takes 10 weeks to make massive progress. Let’s work together to make that happen!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


Are you happy, growing and balanced in your career? 

Do you need to make a change in 2021? 

This past year has been a wake-up call for many people—and not always in a bad way.

For instance, if you were isolated at home for 8 weeks, perhaps you discovered how much you love the calm environment, slower pace, and being at home with your kids full-time. 

If you were furloughed or laid off, maybe that gave you pause to think about what you really want. 

Whatever your wake-up call was this past year, why not commit to making 2021 better than ever?

I’ve mentioned The OolaGuys before. Their book and coaching program, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teaches a simple, proven formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing.

This month, I’ve been sharing a series of quizzes that Oola uses to help pinpoint where you are and what you need to work on. 
Today, that assessment focuses on your Field—one of The 7 F’s of Oola.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your career (Field)? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my overall job satisfaction  ____
• My job financially meets my needs......  ____
• I love my job.........................................  ____
• I feel as if I am doing what I was created to do  ____
• I have solid goals for myself in this field  ____
• My current job doesn’t interfere with 
   my family and personal time................  ____
• My job makes the world a better place  ____
• My job utilizes my natural gifts and abilities  ____
• My current job can support my 
.. long-term financial goals......................  ____
• My job offers the opportunity to grow 
.. personally, professionally and financially  ____

Soooo…..How does your "Field" scorecard look? 

If you want to improve it, I’m here to help. 
Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want and on pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 
In fact, you can make massive progress in just 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Program—delivered jointly by The OolaGuys and me. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to discuss how coaching can work for you; or schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.
You can also check out the 
10-week Oola Coaching Program for details and/or visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
Just for fun, drop a comment below and share YOUR most important career insight.  
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!



Can I ask you a tough question? 
What was it like being isolated with your family during the lockdown? 

If you discovered that your household is a war zone, your marriage is on life support, or perhaps your family wasn't there for each other - improving your family relationships should be a major priority in 2021. 

You CAN eliminate the stress, create better boundaries, and bring more balance to your family life.

But first, let’s figure out where you are. 
It’s the first step to creating a plan for improving your future.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your family relationships? If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my current family situation  ____
• We eat at least one meal per day 
.. together as a family.............................  ____
• My immediate and extended family is functional     ____
• Thinking of family makes me feel happy  ____
• I am honest with my family members.  ____
• I work hard at being a better family member           ____
• I set aside personal time with my family,
.. without phones...................................  ____
• My family is loving, patient, supportive and respectful        ____
• I hold no hurt feelings toward any 
.. family members...................................  ____
• I feel I spend enough time with 
.. my family to meet their needs............  ____

When I first read the book Oola: Finding Balance in an Unbalanced World, its authors—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—recommended strategies for improving family life. 
“Family” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola: a proven formula for living a life of less stress, more balance and greater purpose.

As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I help clients not only create goals across all 7 areas of life, but also prioritize their tasks and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week. 
In fact, I’ve joined forces with Dave and Troy to bring my followers the Oola formula via a 10-week coaching experience designed to transform your life, your finances, your relationships and more. 

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your goals; or  you can schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!

What’s the BEST thing about your family? What would like to see improved? 

Drop a comment below and share it!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!

JUST TEN WEEKS FROM NOW. Finances Looking Good!

Are you hoping life will get better in 2021? 
For many people, “better” means improving their finances. 
If 2020 has left you wondering what could possibly get worse—
if your income’s been impacted and your debts have become overwhelming—
realize that, with the right plan, your finances CAN improve. 

You CAN be free of debt. 
You CAN improve your earnings. 
You CAN invest for your future.

When I first started working with The OolaGuys to become a Certified Oola Life Coach, I discovered that the Oola formula has over a million followers around the world. 
Story after story appeared on their Facebook page of people who had hit major financial goals. 
Some paid off over $100,000 in debt, got better-paying jobs, or moved into their dream house.

It IS possible.

And today, I want to help you assess where you are with your finances. 
It may be a wake-up call, but it’s the first step toward getting past the overwhelm. 
Let’s see where you’re at.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your finances? 
If you answer “1,” that means low/bad/least true, while answering “10” means “high/good/most true”:

• I would rate my current personal finances ____
• I’m saving at least 10% of my earnings for
.. nonretirement purchases (car, vacation,
.. down payment on new home, etc.)...... ____
• I’m totally debt-free (except my mortgage) ____
• My monthly income exceeds monthly expenses     ____
• I’m investing at least 15% for retirement ____
• I have an emergency fund equaling 
.. at least seven months of expenses........ ____
• I have the proper insurance(s) in place................... ____
• I tithe regularly to my church and donate time
.. to charities with no expectation of anything
.. in return................................................. ____
• I have a complete/updated will or estate plan   ____
• I have a budget and stick to it every month ____
If this assessment was a wake-up call, I’d like to help. 

The 10-week Oola Coaching Program is a game-changer for anyone who wants to improve their finances and live with less stress, more balance, and greater purpose.

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your goals; or  you can schedule your complimentary call with me HERE.
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming  Oola events to learn more!
What’s the first step YOU need to take toward improving your financial picture? 
Drop a comment below and share it. Then let me know how I can help!
I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and most supportive guide 
to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!
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