Pursuing an exciting future takes focus and stamina. 

Listen...it requires energy to clean up the messes, make new plans, and pursue new paths. 
You’ll probably spend lots of mental energy moving outside your comfort zone, too—plus extra physical energy making the changes you want—so your body (and mind) needs to show up fully to support you in this effort. 

You’ll also want to be fit to enjoy your new life once you get there. Right?
So what can you do? 

Work on your overall wellness—both physical and mental. 

Whether you’re a couch potato or seasoned triathlete, the point is to choose more nutrient-rich foods, work out more regularly and effectively, and consume less “junk” – internally AND externally. 

That means not only putting healthy food in your belly, but also putting healthy thoughts in your mind. 

These 7 tips will get you started on the path to a healthy lifestyle, more energy, and an inner mindset that can handle the overwhelm with ease.

Tip #1  Keep it simple. 
Gimmicks and quick fixes are not legitimate substitutes for common sense, good (balanced) nutrition, and regular physical activity. Most people know the basics: eat less than you burn or burn more than you eat in a balanced way that supports your hormones. 
It’s also common sense that getting adequate sleep and regular exercise not only improves your mood, it boosts your energy, enhances your confidence, and keeps your body functioning at its best. 
When you look good, you feel good—and that kind of sparkle is hard to resist!

Tip #2  Find out what’s toxic for you. 
Consider starting an “elimination diet” and eat clean for three to six weeks. 
Originally designed to identify foods that may be causing allergic and digestive reactions, the Elimination Diet recommends consuming only healthy vegetables, fruits, and protein at first (i.e., eliminating the junk), and then reintroducing potentially “problem foods” such as gluten, dairy, soy, refined sugar, caffeine and alcohol—one at a time—to see which (if any) are causing you problems like indigestion, skin flare-ups, insomnia, migraines, lack of focus, low energy, and more. 
A nice byproduct of this diet is the mental clarity and boost in energy the body delivers as it clears out the toxins and heals past inflammation. 
Weight loss may also be a positive “side-effect”.

Tip #3  Drink more good, clean water. 
Pretty simple, huh? 
But, unlike bottled drinks, sodas, coffees, and other liquids, purified/filtered water helps hydrate your cells. This helps your cells clear out the toxins and debris your body is trying to get rid of on its path to wellness. 
As toxins are eliminated, your body will need fewer and fewer fat cells to store the toxins away from vital organs and will get more efficient at absorbing nutrients that keep your body healthy and your immune system strong.

Tip #4  Work harder. 
As our bodies adapt to exercise—and especially as we get older—it seems harder and harder to stay in shape. Metabolism slows or adapts to what you’ve been doing and the same three miles you’ve been walking for years suddenly don’t deliver the same benefits as before. 
That’s why you have to continually up your game. 
Move a little faster, walk a little farther, and add a new activity like HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), swimming, resistance training or yoga. 
Mix it up and your body will respond again.

Tip #5  Meditate. 
Daily meditation (or mindfulness) can help you get clear on what you should be doing in specific situations. New research says meditation also improves brain function, mood, creativity and may even counteract loss of brain volume as we age. 
Hundreds of books and audio meditations exist to help you create a daily meditation habit. Why not do some research, find one that resonates with you, and give it a try?

Tip #6  Focus on your mental health. 
Depression, anxiety and other conditions can get in the way of an awesome life. 
While they can generally be helped by daily exercise, good nutrition, meditation and an overall healthier lifestyle, sometimes these conditions need to be addressed head on—by a professional—as part of your wellness journey.

Tip #7 Be consistent. 
In pursuing your goals, be consistent in your efforts and patient with yourself as you make progress. 
Resist comparing yourself to others and don’t criticize yourself if you fall away from your plan. 
Just hop back on and restart. 
Be sure to plan some cheat days once in a while to keep things real.

Of course, working on your health and fitness is only a part of the process of creating overall balance in your life.  There’s also your finances, family, career, faith, friends and fun-time to consider. 
The key is to decide what you want in these areas, make some goals, and stay accountable to taking daily action steps that will bring you closer to those desired results. 

Working with a coach can help keep you on track and accountable to those daily action steps. 
And I’m here to help.
Why not schedule your complimentary discovery call to talk to me directly about how coaching might work for you? 
I equip, empower and support clients who want more balance, less stress, and more happiness in their lives using a proven framework that’s based on the international bestselling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, by The OolaGuys, Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl. 

Over just 10 weeks, with the OolaGuys as your instructors and mentors, you and I will work on every major area of your life including finances, fitness, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun. 

Together we’ll face what’s not working for you right now and create a workable plan for lowering your stress, creating life balance, having more fun, and pursuing major life goals that are important to you. 
Here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle Framework:
Ready to get your own Oola life? Contact me now and let’s get started.
Let's work together to create an amazing life for you!


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