In my series about the habits, behaviors and mindsets that keep us from creating the life of our dreams, can we talk about a significant roadblock for many people?


Frustration is a normal response to life’s crazier moments. 
But, unfortunately, that five to ten minutes of uncontrolled fury – or persistent and violent anger – has  far greater cost when it comes to your relationships, your life, and your future. 

For one thing, anger has a ripple effect. It affects not just you, but those around you, too.

Take your kids, for example. When you stay calm in the face of stressful circumstances, you become their safe harbor in any crisis. 
But erupting in anger makes you unsafe, untrustworthy, and someone to avoid when the going gets tough.
 About half of kids who grow up witnessing frequent vocal anger are prone to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression.

Anger also affects YOUR equilibrium and physiology. 
In fact, just 5 minutes of anger depresses your immune system for hours.
So what’s triggering your anger? 

The key is to identify what triggers you and create a solution – a strategy -  that will minimize or remove that trigger in the near term, while you focus long-term on more positive goals for your life (and your family’s).

You can’t take back angry words or actions. And you can never get that time back either. 
So being prepared in advance can, literally, be life-changing.

(FYI…I have found that essential oils are very supportive for all emotions. I am happy to share more information on that. Just shoot me a DM.)

If the past year has been a challenge for you, why not start working on creating a life that’s balanced, growing and purposeful?
More than 20 years ago, two holistic physicians—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl—created Oola to help people establish new habits, practice new ways of living, and take those daily actions that are key to bringing life into balance (then keeping it that way). 

Today, “The OolaGuys” are founders of Oola Coaching with countless successful clients around the world. 

I discovered for myself that the Oola formula helps calm the chaos and bring balance to major areas of your life, including fitness, finances, family, career, and more. 

I am so passionate about the proven Oola framework, that I became a Certified Oola Life Coach and Oola Ambassador to help others achieve this same balance and start creating an even better future.

It takes just 30 minutes to find out how the Oola coaching formula, plus weekly coaching sessions with just the two of us, can get you there. 

Shouldn’t we talk about where you want to go in life? 

Schedule your complimentary discovery call to talk to me directly about how the Oola TRANSFORM Program might help you overcome anger, along with any other Blockers getting in the way of your Oola Life.
Stay tuned for my next Blog post where we'll talk about Oola Blocker #4. Self-Sabotage. 
Yaaa....this is gonna be a good one! 😉
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle Framework:
Contact me now and let’s jump on a call soon.
You deserve it. 
Your dreams are worth it. 

Let's work together to create an amazing life for you!


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