Did you know that, just as you’re on the verge of achieving the life of your dreams, you run the risk of losing all your progress?

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been talking about the habits, behaviors and mental blocks that keep us from getting where we want to be in life. And the culprit I want to talk about today is . . . 


Negative self-talk – hidden in your subconscious mind – will begin to say things like: “You don’t deserve this". "You’re not good enough". "You’re not smart enough". 

Even worse, this sneaky form of self-sabotage can actually cause you to take actions that will undo all the progress you’ve made. 


Yep...It’s this negative self-talk that’s tells you, "It’s OK to celebrate with ice cream", after you just lost 30 pounds. 
It’s the “overthink” that prompts you to blow up that new romantic relationship before it really starts. 
Or it’s the procrastination that destroys that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to advance your career.

Why does our brain DO that?

Over your lifetime, your subconscious mind—which runs your body’s systems, takes in information, and helps you make decisions—becomes programmed to act in your best interests. 
It naturally wants to protect you from (perceived) “harm”. 

So every time you try to achieve—but fail miserably—your subconscious mind reacts to that painful disappointment by saying, “Okay, so we’re never doing that again.” 

It stores the information so it can “protect you” the next time you take similar action. 

In reality, “failing” is simply a life lesson -- Something to learn and grow from.  

The TRUTH is: 
You are smart, successful, beautiful, and accomplished. 
You are capable, lovable, talented, and interesting. 
You were designed by God for greatness and you are on the planet for a specific purpose.

Always remember that where you are now is not where you’re destined to stay.
Tell yourself daily: “This is just WHERE I am. It’s not WHO I am.

In fact, your life has SO much potential!

One way to overcome self-sabotage is to keep powerful goals in front of you—powerful enough to pull you through the negative self-talk or reckless actions. 

And, having loving support and accountability will support you in doing just that.

If self-sabotage is working its way through your life, and you want to show up differently and make some serious changes in your relationships, finances, career, health and more, I have good news: I’ve teamed up with Oola authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to bring you a 10-week focused-approach to creating a life that’s balanced, happy, and growing. 

Don't just dream about the ideal life you want. Start living it with Oola Coaching. 

Schedule your complimentary discovery call to talk to me directly about the Oola TRANSFORM Program. 
It just might be THE most important step you’ll take in changing up what your life looks like in the future. 
In the meantime, here are some other resources for more information about the Oola Lifestyle Framework:
Next time, we’ll talk about Oola Blocker #5. LAZINESS. 
Yep…you can overcome that one too!
Contact me now and let’s jump on a call soon.
Let's work together to create an amazing life for you!


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