Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been posting about decluttering your life and making space for something new.

But have you thought about what “new” means for you?

Inside all of us is a life purpose . . . a reason you were put on this Earth. 

There’s a unique calling on your life that requires your attention. 
And while most people float through their day unaware of the bigger picture, the truth is that you are here to be, do and have a life that’s exceptional. 

Clarifying what that exceptional purpose is—then organizing your lifestyle to bring about this dream future—is what will transform your life into an awesome journey.

But how do you know what your life purpose is?

Try answering these questions:

• What inspires you to wake up and tackle your day?

• What career is so much fun you’d do it for free?

• What activity calls to you and gives you joy?

Dig deep. The answers ARE within you. The overwhelm and stress of life has just pushed them down so far that you may have lost sight of them.

Whatever your big vision is, write it down. 

Then answer one more question:

• What is one thing you could do today to start pursuing that vision?
Of course, if you could use some help clarifying your unique life purpose, then get support and accountability in making serious lifestyle changes in order to pursue it, I have good news.
I’ve teamed up with Oola authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to bring you a 10-week focused approach to creating a life that’s balanced, growing, and purposeful. 

Don't just dream about the ideal life you want. 

Start living it with Oola Coaching

Schedule your complimentary discovery call today. It takes just 30 minutes of your time to find out if Oola Coaching is what will empower you to stop just dreaming and start achieving!
 Here are some other resources that you may want to check out:
Contact me today.   You deserve it.  Your dreams are worth it. 

Let’s work together on creating your purposeful Oola Life. 


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