Listen Up!

YOU are smart, successful, beautiful and accomplished. 

YOU are capable, lovable, talented, and interesting. 

In fact, your life has SO MUCH potential!

One way to achieve that potential is to keep powerful goals in front of you.

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about decluttering your life, clarifying your unique life purpose, and getting prepared to pursue it.

Now....this is where the rubber meets the road: it’s time to set goals and assign daily tasks that are the stepping stones to achieving the extraordinary life that’s waiting for you.

One goalsetting strategy that I learned from human-potential experts Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl—authors of the bestselling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World—is to set 21 goals, then narrow those to 7 goals you can truly focus on. 
When you do decide on those 7, you can further narrow your list to the one goal that will literally transform and amplify your life once you achieve it. 

It might be:

• Go back to school and get an advanced degree
• Land your dream job or start your dream business
• Lose 50 pounds or otherwise up-level your health
• Meet your soulmate and start a new life as a couple
• Retire early and travel the world as a blogger

What’s the single most powerful goal that will move your life forward? 

What’s the ONE goal that’s worth pursuing with all the passion that’s in your heart?
The fact is that your dream life is waiting for you on the other side of your goals. 
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I work with individuals to create goals that matter, then pursue them intentionally and efficiently until they are achieved. 

In fact, I’ve teamed up with Dave and Troy to bring you the Oola Coaching Program designed to help you bring balance and set goals in all 7 major life areas: Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun. 
Not only does bringing balance lower your stress, it also frees your mind to achieve the dream life you really want.

Schedule your complimentary discovery call today. Let's talk about how coaching works to improve your finances, career, business, wellness, relationships and more.
 Here are some other resources that you may want to check out:
Contact me today.  

Don't settle for ordinary when extraordinary is within you. 


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