Have you noticed?  It always seems that we find ourselves searching for answers or extra support when there’s a major upheaval in our lives . . . and, let's be honest, this year (and last) has brought plenty of turmoil and uncertainty.  Am I right?

In my recent posts,  I’ve been asking my readers to look back at 2021 and make a breakthrough goal for next year that will amplify, clarify and/or simplify their lives.

For you, that upgrade may be in the area of Faith.

“Faith” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—those major life areas that all our problems, happiness, challenges, and need for improvement seem to fall into.

This list of 7 was devised by the Oola guys—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, bestselling authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World—and are part of popular, powerful, proven  coaching programs that we conduct together. 

While the Oola guys don’t tell you what to believe or which religion to follow (and neither do I), we DO know that having a strong faith is a critical part of a balanced and happy life.

If your daily faith could use an upgrade, along with the other major areas of your life—Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Friends and Fun—I’d like to invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session with me.
Let's have a chat about what's out of balance and causing you stress in your life and, together, determine which Oola program is best to equip and support you to get back on track.

You can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
You absolutely can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
It would be my privilege to equip, empower and support you in getting there.
 Why wait?
Contact me today!
2022 will be here before you know it.


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