2022: What Would Transform Your Faith?

Have you noticed?  It always seems that we find ourselves searching for answers or extra support when there’s a major upheaval in our lives . . . and, let's be honest, this year (and last) has brought plenty of turmoil and uncertainty.  Am I right?

In my recent posts,  I’ve been asking my readers to look back at 2021 and make a breakthrough goal for next year that will amplify, clarify and/or simplify their lives.

For you, that upgrade may be in the area of Faith.

“Faith” is one of The 7 F’s of Oola—those major life areas that all our problems, happiness, challenges, and need for improvement seem to fall into.

This list of 7 was devised by the Oola guys—Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, bestselling authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World—and are part of popular, powerful, proven  coaching programs that we conduct together. 

While the Oola guys don’t tell you what to believe or which religion to follow (and neither do I), we DO know that having a strong faith is a critical part of a balanced and happy life.

If your daily faith could use an upgrade, along with the other major areas of your life—Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Friends and Fun—I’d like to invite you to schedule your complimentary strategy session with me.
Let's have a chat about what's out of balance and causing you stress in your life and, together, determine which Oola program is best to equip and support you to get back on track.

You can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
You absolutely can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
It would be my privilege to equip, empower and support you in getting there.
 Why wait?
Contact me today!
2022 will be here before you know it.

2022: What Would Transform Your Career?

Are you happy, growing and balanced in your career? 

Do you need to make a change in 2022

This past year has been a wake-up call for many people—and not always in a bad way.
Maybe this year you started a side hustle you love, discovered you love working from home, or began looking at different careers than the one you’re in now.

Whatever your wake-up call was this past year, why not commit to making 2022 better than ever? 


By creating a breakthrough goal for your career.

I’ve mentioned the Oola guys before. Their books and coaching programs, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, teach a simple formula for creating a life that’s balanced, happy and growing in all of the key areas – Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun.

And, when it comes to your career (Field) (the occupation or calling that takes up 8-10 hours of your day) asking the tough questions often leads people to create new goals - including a major breakthrough goal that would not only uplevel their work life but also bring new-found energy to their life as a whole.

For instance, have you ever asked yourself:

• Does my job meet (or exceed) my financial needs?
• Am I fulfilling my unique life purpose?
• Is my job interfering with my personal time or family life?
• Am I continually growing personally and professionally towards my God-given potential?

If you don't like the answers you come up with, and you want to make major improvements in 2022, I'm here to help.
Together, we can make sure you’re focused on getting what you want and on pursuing new opportunities with confidence. 

In fact, you can make massive progress in as little as 10 weeks with the Oola Coaching Programs—delivered jointly by the Oola guys and me. And, you can make great strides with the other coaching and/or independent Oola programs that are available.

Schedule your 
complimentary strategy session with me to talk about the Oola Lifestyle Framework and the various options that are available to support you through it.
The Oola formula is designed to transform your career life, your health, your relationships and more. 
Let’s jump on that call together to discuss how coaching can work for you.
In the meantime, you can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
 You can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
 It would be my privilege to equip, empower and support you in getting there.

Why wait?
 Contact me today!
                                                             2022 will be here before you know it.


2022: What Would Transform Your Relationships?

Can we talk about a breakthrough goal for 2022 that’s really close to home? 
Your family is not only your inner circle—the people you should turn to in tough times—but also the people who turn to YOU for the same reason. 

One of the toughest things my coaching clients have to work through is a family situation that’s stressful, heartbreaking or simply needs attention. 

If you need to make some serious changes in 2022 (in your family situation or any other major life area), I have good news: I’ve teamed up with Oola authors Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to bring you a focused approach to creating a life that’s balanced, happy, and growing. 

What breakthrough goal can you make that would substantially improve your family life in 2022?

For instance, would it help to . . .

• Schedule regular date nights with your spouse/life partner?

• Have that “difficult conversation” with an aging parent?

• Enjoy dinner as a family at least two nights a week (without cell phones)?

• Establish a calm morning routine for you and your family?

• Set boundaries for future behavior with a family member?

If you need to improve your marriage, set better boundaries, lay down some sensible house rules, or even change your living situation altogether, then upgrading your family relationships should be a major priority in 2022

As an Oola Certified Life Coach, I help clients not only create goals across all 7 areas of life (Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends, & Fun), but also prioritize their action steps and—most importantly—stay accountable to accomplishing them week by week. 

Schedule your complimentary strategy session with me to talk about the Oola Lifestyle Framework and the options that are available to support you through it.
The Oola formula is designed to transform your family life, your relationships and more. 

Let’s jump on that call together and talk about making 2022 your best year ever!
In the meantime, you can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
You can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
It would be my privilege to equip, empower and support you in getting there.

Why wait?

Contact me today!

                                                         2022 will be here before you know it.


2022: What Would Transform Your Finances?

Are you hoping life will get better in 2022? 

For many people, “better” means improving their finances. 

If 2021 has left you wondering what could possibly happen next—if your income’s been impacted and your debts have become overwhelming—realize that, with the right plan, your finances CAN improve. 

You CAN be free of debt. 

You CAN improve your earnings.
You CAN invest for your future.

When I first started working with human-potential experts Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl to become a Certified Life Coach, I discovered that their Oola formula has over a million followers in 43 countries.
Story after story appeared on their Facebook page of people who had hit major financial goals. Some paid off over $100,000 in debt, got better-paying jobs, or moved into their dream house.

While your situation may seem impossible now, solid finances are possible if you create a plan and focus on making small steps regularly. 

What kind of small steps? 

  • Write down all your debts and make an extra payment on the smallest one if you can. 
  • Move any extra money you get into savings or a retirement fund. 
  • Research simple ways to get investment help such as a mutual fund company or local financial planner. 
  • Talk with your spouse and kids about researching low-cost fun, recycled fashions, home cooking, and cool volunteering options instead of expensive vacations. 
Why not schedule your 
complimentary strategy session with me?
Whatever breakthrough goal would change YOUR finances for the better in 2022, we can jump on a 30–45-minute call to chat about it.
From there, you’ll have a better idea of what it might look/feel like to work with me privately to set financial goals and take action on your most important objective(s). 
Helping people find balance and achieve life changes in major life areas is something I do through unique coaching programs designed around the bestselling book and Oola Lifestyle Framework.
There are several Oola programs that we can explore together; I know there’s one that will fit your needs and (re) ignite your financial goals and dreams!
You can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
You can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
Why wait?  
Contact me today!
2022 will be here before you know it.


2022: What Would Transform Your Health?


Can I ask….How have you been feeling lately? 

While we’re all aware of the global health crisis right now, have you considered what you can do to improve your own health and lifestyle?

One of the best outcomes of living “the Oola life” is getting back to basics: adequate sleep, nutritious food, time for exercise—plus setting aside time to handle longstanding conditions that cause pain, embarrassment or anxiety. 

While the past year has been tough on everyone, I’m encouraging you to create a breakthrough health goal for 2022:

Is it slimming down? 
Increasing your stamina?
 Eating right? 
Getting more exercise? 

Simply starting the journey toward being fit and healthy will boost your energy, immunity and brain function. 

And… a breakthrough fitness goal could change your entire future.

As a coach, I not only help people create a plan for achieving their goals in major life categories like Fitness, Finances, and Field (career), I also make sure they’re accountable to taking daily action—the only thing that will get you closer to the life you deserve.

Could you use more progress, less stress, and more balance in your life? 

Whether your goals are concerning better health, financial sanity, a more fulfilling career, a loving marriage, or something else, the unique Oola Coaching Programs that I offer along with bestselling authors and human-potential experts Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl are designed to bring about the abundance, happiness and improvement you want. 

Why not schedule your  complimentary strategy session with me?
We can jump on a 30-45 minute call to explore if it’s right for you or not.
And… if it is, we can determine which Oola Program is the best fit for you. 
You can also check out these resources for more information about the proven, powerful Oola Lifestyle Framework:
You can achieve YOUR best life with the Oola Lifestyle Framework.
I would be privileged to work with you in getting there. 
Why wait? 
Contact me today!

2022 will be here before you know it.

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