"Be grateful, have faith, and go get your OolaLife!" 
For years, I’d heard that mantra from Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl—the “OolaGuys”—in their popular books, webinars and more. 

The idea of being grateful in all things—no matter what—comes from the story of Dave’s nephew Jared, who constantly looked for things to be grateful for as he slowly battled and eventually succumbed to leukemia.

Are you grateful in ALL things?

I find that, when I’m grateful, even more good things show up in my life. 
I’m even grateful for the mishaps I’ve lived through, since it gives me better appreciation and a more positive outlook on where my life is going next.

Being grateful in the moment is important, but so is looking forward to what’s next—
another lesson from Oola. 

In fact, as the OolaGuys say: 
"Keep one hand on your heart in gratitude, while the other hand reaches toward growth". 
Don’t you just love that?!?

So where do you need to reach out and grow? Where do you need to be more grateful?

When I coach clients through the 10-week Oola coaching experience, we look at the 7 major areas of life and create a plan for growing (and being grateful) in each of these areas. 

Can you be grateful for what you have, while also growing in new ways? Of course you can!

Here are some examples:

Fitness: Grateful for good health, AND continuing to add more healthy habits?
Finance: Grateful for good pay, AND working on lowering debt, too?
Family: Grateful for your spouse & kids, AND working to improve your marriage? 
Field: Grateful for your job, AND seeking new skills as well?
Faith: Grateful for your faith walk, AND working to implement a daily practice?
Friends: Grateful for BFFs, AND seeking mentors as well?
Fun: Grateful for time off, AND planning for new adventures too?

If you’ve been following my posts, you know that I am passionate about equipping, empowering & supporting women over 50 in getting what they truly want in all of the 7 major areas of life. 
As a Certified Oola Life Coach, I can help you bring about the lifestyle, relationships and financial security you need to be happy, balanced and growing AND to be grateful in the process.

If the 10-week Oola coaching experience is something you’d like to pursue as 2020 winds down, message me and we can jump on a 30-minute discovery call to explore the idea of working together on your goals, or you can schedule your complimentary call with me HERE

You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more!
I’m here to help next year be a breakthrough year for you!


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