With a global pandemic upon us, 2020 was a year when virtually everyone was focused on their health.
Or were they?

While we were busy social distancing and stockpiling, many people overlooked other health conditions . . . gave up on their routine workouts . . . rationalized work-at-home snacking and “comfort” food (& drinks) . . . and saw their stress levels skyrocket.

If 2020 was a “fitness fail” for you, I have a suggestion: why not spend the month of December wrapping up overdue health concerns – instead of tying more bows on packages?

Make a list of what’s needed, then jump on the phone to schedule necessary appointments.

THEN jump online to find workout equipment for your home. 
If you’d like some equipment recommendations - as a Certified Personal Trainer for over 20 years - I can definitely help with that. I’ve also been providing Virtual & In-Home Personal Training services. 
If you’d like to explore guided, safe & efficient workouts with me via Zoom or (local) In-Home sessions, you can schedule a personal training consultation here.          
The bottom line…
Get started with goals now that will recapture that healthy lifestyle you want!
After all, you can’t have an amazing future if your body doesn’t show up to support you.
That’s something that Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl – The OolaGuys – emphasize in their bestselling book Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World. (And I’ve been teaching & preaching for 20 years in the Fitness Industry.) ðŸ˜‰
When I first started working with The OolaGuys to become a Certified Oola Life Coach, I discovered that the Oola formula has changed the lives of more than a million followers around the world. 
Story after story appeared on Oola’s Facebook page of people who had hit major life goals (or simply transformed their chaotic, stress-filled life into one of more balance and calm).  

The OolaLife is one that addresses 7 major areas – we call them the “7 F’s of Oola”: 
Fitness, Finance, Family, Field (career), Faith, Friends and Fun.

Dave and Troy and I have now joined forces to deliver the 10-week Oola Coaching Program to success seekers like you!  It’s a game-changer for anyone who wants to live with less stress, more balance, and greater purpose.

Message me and we can jump on a 30-minute call to discuss what coaching is like and how it can work for you. Or schedule your complimentary discovery call with me here
You can also visit my Events Page to register for upcoming Oola events to learn more.
What’s the first step YOU need to take toward getting healthier in 2021? 
Drop a comment below and share it!
I’m here to help 2021 be a breakthrough year for you!


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