Most of us have dreams. 
They help us visualize the perfect life complete with the kind of people, things, and accomplishments we want to have. 

Dreams are huge, exciting and free of fear, self-doubt, and other limiting beliefs. 

If I knew it would really happen, we think, what would I want in my life? 

Dreams don’t require you to know the “how”—they only require you to know the “what.”

Unfortunately, when it comes to bringing those dreams to reality, most people confuse dreams with goals. 

Goals are the milestones—the little steps you need to complete on the way to achieving your dreams. 
Goals are action steps - planned - then accomplished. 
They’re the stuff you have to do—day by day—to get to your dream lifestyle.

So how can you establish achievable goals that lead to your dream lifestyle? 

Here is a four-step formula for getting from where you are to where you want to be:

1.  Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals. 
In 1981, George Doran wrote in Management Review magazine , “There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write goals and objectives,” and listed the characteristics your goals should include. 

The “S.M.A.R.T” template has had various modifications over the years, depending on the environment where goals are being set. 

In Oola, this is how a S.M.A.R.T. goal is defined:

Specific—The goal should contain actual numbers, amounts, sizes, or other well-defined terms you want to reach. 

Measurable—When your goal includes the specifics above, you can actually measure whether you’re close to achieving it or still far away—plus keep score and track your progress. 

Accountable—Find someone (or a support team) who loves and supports you and who will keep you accountable to the goals you have set for your life. 

Realistic—Where dreams often feel unrealistic, goals should be doable with the resources, knowledge, time, and money you have available—or those you could acquire by investigating, learning, collaborating with others, or other ways to grow personally and reach your goal.

Time-Based—The goal must include a date and time by which you’ll achieve the objective. Be sure to give yourself enough time to realistically achieve it.

2.  Break down your goal into smaller achievable steps. 
In the busyness of this unbalanced world, it’s easy for your goals to get lost in the clutter of day-to-day life or seem so large that you never tackle them. 
One way to make sure they stay top priority is to break down each of your goals into achievable daily action steps—such as walking two miles a day, getting your website done, and so on.

3.  Ask for help. 
No one can know everything about accomplishing a specific goal—especially if you’re just starting out. Luckily, there are people who have already done what you want to do (or something similar). 
Why not seek them out and get advice for a goal you want to achieve? 

4.  Stay accountable. 
Approach someone you trust and check in with them on a regular basis about your progress. 
Choose someone who won’t judge, but who will firmly hold you accountable for taking appropriate steps to reach your goal. 
Schedule regular meetups or calls. 
When you know you have to report in on Thursday morning, you’ll be motivated to finish each week’s steps by Wednesday night.

Of course, setting goals and breaking them down into smaller steps is only a part of the process of creating balance in your life and getting to where you want to be. 
If you think working with a coach to keep you on track and accountable for results is something that would get you to a balanced life faster, I’m here to help.

Schedule your complimentary strategy call to speak directly with me and learn more about the 10-week program that I deliver for clients who want more balance, less stress, and more happiness in their lives. 

It’s a proven, powerful framework based on the international bestselling book, Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, by The Oola Guys, Dave Braun and Troy Amdahl. 

Over just 10 weeks, with the Oola Guys as your instructors and mentors, you and I will work on every major area of your life including finances, fitness, family, field (career), faith, friends and fun. 

Together we’ll face what’s not working for you now and create a workable plan for lowering your stress, creating life balance, having more fun, and pursuing major life goals that are important to you. 

Ready to get your own Oola life? 

Contact me and let’s get started.

 Here are some other resources that you may want to check out:
Don't settle for ordinary when extraordinary is within you. 


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